- For those that are curious, the dotted line has been signed and I'm in. I'm back at Rancho Buena Vista. This is a long-time coming. I missed working with that group. The three years I was there we really turned the program around. We actually were quite good, winning the prestigious Savanna Tournament in my second year there and lighting the crowd on fire with our Kansas show. It was definitely a high point of my design career. So it's good to be back. And we were thinking of going one direction--but now...we're going a whole new direction, and I'm VERY excited. This is a band not afraid to take a few chances, to march challenging drill, and play challenging music (AND LOUD!!). Anyway...more to come on that. I'm pumped.
- Confirmed another large school just this morning. They missed 5A championships by a .10th of a point. We'll work on that. I'm also very excited about this opportunity because the guard guy there is a current member of the Cavaliers (Homer Lopez) and I've had a couple of nice talks with him. He seems VERY down to earth, knowledgeable, and not a "diva", which is nice to work with. I'm looking forward to this.
- Had a Strategic Management Meeting with Impulse last night, and our special guest was Pat Siedling, who I've heard so much about over my years in the drum corps world but never have met. He showed up with his wife last night and preceded to give us a 3-hour tutorial on how to get into Division I, and I just have to say this. I literally could have sat there for 3 more hours and listened to him. Sometimes in this activity, there are people that you would rather not listen to give you the time much less pontificate about how to take a corps to the next level. Pat was in a word--AMAZING. He was encouraging, brutally honest, optimistic, down to earth, and full of incredible knowledge. I was literally blown away last night. His experience and his willingness to be "behind the scenes" with Impulse is ABSOLUTELY the best thing that can happen to this organization. I'm very energized. The 6 Sure Signs of Success...and the 4 Legs of Stability. DUDE!!! In the words of Lee Rudnicki...GENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNIUS!!!
- Got close to signing on a HUGE talent for our guard situation with Impulse--that situation is still developing, but if we can get this guy plus some other talent, we could start to build up the fledgling guard situation and get some PROFESSIONALS that care about the kids into key positions. I believe in to a certain extent that things that are meant to be WILL be. We'll see how this plays out.
And lastly--my experience at the gym. As some of you know I've been very ill for about 15 days, and it totally knocked me out of going to the gym and trying to work on my stellar physique (yeah Turner...whatever). Anyway...I AM happy to say that I have been conscious and careful (carefuller?) of how I've been eating, so I'm maintaining the weight loss from the previous month's body bombardment and 24hr Fitness. THAT is encouraging. I played basketball with some of my youth at my church on Wednesday, which was with the exception of a three mile walk I took on Monday at work, the only exercise since being down and out with whatever the hell kicked me in the butt. Playing basketball. A pudgy white boy out there running around with a bunch of kids. THAT in and of itself should be the most hilarious thing you've ever seen. But it was a good work out.
So--this morning, up I get, take Sarah to school and off to the gym I go. Read on--because I have a major rant about ready to spew forth.
I have noticed (and I'm going to be very sexist here--so just deal or don't read) that not sometimes, not most times, but EVERY SINGLE DANG TIME I go to the gym, inevitably, there are going to be 2 or more women just yapping and talking and blabbing while they work out. What's wrong with this? Nothing in and of itself. You're obviously free to talk. BUT AT A GYM!!!???? Puhleeeeeeeeeeeeze. There's really nothing more grating on my nerves than middle aged women PRETENDING to work out, coked out of their gords having had a triple expresso latte cappucino with a side a block of caffeine before coming to the gym, discussing such interesting topics like A)What's wrong with my husband, or B)What's wrong with going to the mall and spending lots of money on stupid worthless things that don't matter anyway, and what's wrong with my husband and how come he doesn't get why I have to go there and do this, or C)What's wrong with the schools? or D)What's wrong with my ass?? I can't get it any smaller...I just don't get it?? And on...and on...and on...
Just today...on my first time back to the gym since being out, I get on a Precor Elliptical and start going. I'm literally off by myself, not bugging a SOUL. On the end of a row. And I like to concentrate and make sure I'm setting little mini-goals as I go and what not...it's a mind game for me. Two women show up and take the next two machines next to me. And they started. I like to do 60 mins on a machine, because then I know I'm really burning calories. Well, these two show up 10 mins into my workout, and procede to compare notes about their kids. My ear is naturally drawn to them because A) they're next to me, B) they're freakin' loud!, and C) they both have that southern California nasally coked out on Starbucks super fast high pitched oscillating sing song voice that makes me want to go get weaponry and...and...well...I better be careful now. I don't want to scare anyone! :-)
But SERIOUSLY!!! I mean...it was just NON-STOP!!! They NEVER EVER EVER EVER stopped talking. But was worse was that they tried to up one another, and they talked...get this...freakin' women...they TALKED AT THE SAME TIME. There was SUCH a need to get their point across that simple give and take and listening was just out the door. And how many times did I hear "Well, MY daughter is..." Uggggggggggh. But it got worse. YES. This was just the beginning. Because after 30 mins of pretending to work out and this back and forth yapping about NOTHING, they both stop "working out" (and I use the term lightly), and stood on the ellipticals...
....(gulp!)...and KEPT FREAKIN' TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sooooooooo wanted to yell that. Really. I just wanted to hear the sounds of the gym, concentrate on my numbers, my pulse, my breathing exercises...but I had Chatty Cathy on Crack next to me. I'm SINCERELY going to invest in a IPOD. I hear those things are cool.
'Til next time...and now...GET OUTTA HERE!!!