Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I blame Lee Rudnicki for all of this...

I think the human body and mind can be pushed to extreme limits, especially the mind. I think we are WAY untapped in that department. THAT being said...I'm at that limit. Thank you. I'd like to get off the ride now. I've had fun. Thank you. Hello?? Anyone?? Can we stop this ride now? I just want to take a breather for 5.

Anyway...the reason I type this was because I came to work, and opened my email, and there was an email that is a GIGANTIC door opening for me in the world of the marching arts. Really and truly it is. Until I can get a formal deal on this and everything is kosher, I won't say for now what it is. But I'm HUMBLED AS HELL to be given the opportunity, and now, I'm putting my skills WAY OUT THERE FOR SCRUTINY. Time to put up...or shut the hell up. And how, pray tell, did I get into this situation?

Because...this opportunity I'm talking about falls right into the plans I formulated about 8 years ago--basic as they were--to build bigger the Empire of the H. MANY things have occurred over the last 7 years that I directly attribute to this goal. It really started as a plan to get my name out there NATIONALLY as both a drill designer AND a quality adjudicator. The dividends of setting a goal like that--stupid as it may seem to some of my non-marching arts-related readers--is actually a testimony to the strength of "focus" and goal-setting. I'll be honest. The timid, doubtful part of me is ALWAYS there trying to trip me up saying I'm not qualified, that I'm not good enough, that I can't nor will I EVER be as good as this and that or so and so. But part of this journey we go through in life is learning how to peservere. And I think I am doing just that, and sometimes, the payoffs are unbelievable. It seems like this past year and a half has been EXCEPTIONALLY telling in what's happened. And of course, my LOVE in life surrounds my participation in the activity of marching arts and pageantry...that's not to say I'm not grateful nor am I unhappy at the Fire Department, which is my career. But this career in the Fire Department fills the need for a stable and secure income, benefits, and protection for my family. I don't necessarily love it. As for the pageantry world, it fills the need for me to have a creative outlet and to give back to something that I think helped mold me into the person I am now.

SORRY...PREACHY ALERT...SORRY...didn't mean to get preachy.

But one more thing. You see--I only started a blog because my friend Lee Rudnicki had a great one going (still does--duh!!) and because a couple of people at work sort of pushed me to. But there are two people that come to mind when I start feeling sorry for myself that I am overworked or too tired to go on...my father in law, who is the hardest working man on the planet, and Lee, who by his example to me, showed what setting a goal and laser sighting on it was all about. Completely independent of me and in a totally different arena of life, he did what I did. He was just better and faster at it because he was clearer about what he wanted than I was. Still is for that matter. But when I read his blog I marvel at how he can juggle what he juggles, and since he has one of his many arms of influence in MY world of marching and pageantry, than HIS example becomes even more meaningful to me. And I know he probably hates this because I'm talking about him and I always seem to talk about him. But I have always been a person that--good, bad or indifferent--holds up those I respect and don't mind talking about it one bit. At least people know where I get my inspiration from at times.

OK...so anyway...sorry about all this deep stuff, but this email to me--and maybe I'm the only one it will mean this to--was just awesome. And I hope it comes to fruition. And I hope I can rise to the challenge. More to come...


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