Friday, May 26, 2006's time to rapidly execute people

Last night, a very popular local city councilman was killed in a tragic, tragic and senseless and PREVENTABLE accident.

The short of it is that he was slammed head on into by this female driver who was high on crystal meth. Reports were that she was weaving in and out of traffic and driving at a very high rate of speed, and was being "chased" by two different citizens on cell phones trying to get cops out to get her pulled over.

It was too late.

Now, I knew this guy. VERY popular. EVERYONE knew him. I personally just had lunch with him last week at a Fire Department function, and met him for the first time a week before that at another fire function. He remembered me, we talked, he was a real sharp guy. Used to be Todd Spitzer's Chief of Staff. Was probably going to go a long way in either Orange County or California state politics. Reminded me Just real outgoing, easy to talk to, not pretentious, freakin' hilarious...

And now this.

Just a pause for me who at age 40 loves life, loves my family, loves my friends...and it reminds me that indeed, at anytime, AGAINST MY WISHES, I could be taken. Really brings to mind an old adage used in my church--"Don't delay the day of your repentance."

But it also makes me rage against the system that is going to give this female knucklehead waste of skin a manslaughter charge. That's it. Manslaughter. Too bad the law doesn't look at the BASE REASON this occurred, and that was this driver CHOSE to take meth, CHOSE to drive, and endangered everyone. Seems to be some premeditation there in my book.

Execute her.

Because that's what SHE did to Steve.


Lee Rudnicki said...

Hey Ryan, I am sorry to hear about your friend. I saw this on the news the other night ... very sad story. I had no idea about the meth angle.

Also, thanks for the kind words about my idiotic blog. :)


Mike said...

Are you suggesting we start executing people for traffic violations? Hold on well I call up Kurt Vonnegut...

Ryan H. Turner said...

Oh Rodin--silly man...of course not. Go back and read what I wrote more carefully...not for traffic violations.


I know--I must not have been clear before.

The Watcher said...

I follow politics in Orange County very closely and for that fact in the City of Orange even closer being that I live there. Steve was a good, however, brief friend..not nearly as close as he was to others. But one thing really gets me, I never met you...are you just jumping on the band-wagon?? Did you go to the vigil..did you go to the funeral...dd you look his wife in the eyes and say how sorry you are..did you go to the city leaders meeting and talk about Steve....NOPE.

One thing you do have right...She should be executed...drinking, drugs, like laoding, aiming, and pulling the trigger.

As for your blog...very nice, and kinda interesting to read...I'll be watching it and maybe will link up in the near future.