Monday, January 22, 2007
Found another pic that's cool...

This where I was on Saturday morning--the Kingsmen Alumni Corps (KAC) performed as an opening act for the world famous NAMM Show at the Anaheim Convention Center. This picture is looking north--and you can see the tympani right there on the left side--the tenors behind them--the snares, and then--a little difficult to see but definitely there was 95 brass players and about 40 flags behind them. Now--this may prove impossible--but I'm IN THIS PIC. Find the drum major. He's the guy that seems elevated center right in the pic. Now--if you draw a line at a 45 degree angle DOWN from the right side of the drum major, you can clearly see half of my head. LOL!!!
Why was I there? I am the self-proclaimed "Voice of Southern California", and the KAC contacted me about 2 weeks ago asking if I could announce them to the crowd. It was VERY cool. I'm thinking about doing a review of the performance up on Drum Corps Planet. Anyway...it really was a SPECTACULAR performance. There were HUNDREDS of people outside listening to the corps, and they were hyping big time. They loved it, and so did the KAC. Great job by them.
Here's another quick pic for ya...This is my Sarah Bearah--sitting in the pilot's seat of her Uncle Jonathan's C-5 up at Travis Air Force Base. She's such a cutie. What a great little post Christmas trip we took. It was fun, especially for the kids. The tour of the C-5 was pretty fascinating to say the least. It was HUGE. It's a double deck plane, the lower half obviously being the cargo hold, and the top half being the crew quarters and the cockpit. It's really nasty in terms of cleanliness--really old--but wow. Pretty roomy!! Jonathan allowed me to go up another ladder just outside of the cockpit, and I was LITERALLY on top of the airplace, about 5 stories up off the ground. I won't be doing THAT again anytime soon.

Ok...well...that's it for now. There's a ton more to talk about, but I'm a little short on time. Career is going well...family is obviously going well...I'm healthy...fat...but healthy...and started announcing again for WGASC...and what else? That's about it--this is a boring post but hey. It's free!!!
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
I've only just begun....TO HURT
FAT ASS!! I know I know...the number 1 thing I've doing by deriding myself is going against all conventional wisdom that says you should LOVE yourself and be KIND to yourself, yadda yadda yadda. Whatever. I'm fat. I can't deny it. I'm tellin' ya the truth. Fat. And HORRIBLY out of shape. Well...after a couple of lurches and false starts over the last few months...let me tell you about my work outs.
Last week...worked out on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. All early morning. All at the 24hr Fitness in Brea (where the old Brea Improv used to be...where I liked to hang out and dream that someday maybe...wait...never mind....I'm not funny). THIS week, the Orange County Fire Authority started a 2 day a week Tues/Thurs in the parking lot circuit training using medicine balls, those big ass balls that you sit on, then these other balls called "slam balls"...and by just doing in place lunges, squats and various exercises...in 45 minutes....I was yelling "I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!" Holy CRAP on a plate. I was sweating my ass off. I'm actually getting ahead of myself. I worked out Monday morning at 24hr Fitness, then did the first day of this circuit training madness at work, then, Wednesday morning, did a REAL good work out even though my body felt like I had been hit by a truck from the previous day's workout...and then...TODAY. Thursday. During lunch, I head on down early, and this crazy exercise physiologist expert ran our butts through even MORE exercises. I had NO idea that one could hurt oneself so exquistitely by barely moving. I thought you like had to run a freakin' marathon. NO!!!! Actually, a marathon would be easier probably.
So...I'm now in my office. A little lightheaded. Very sore, especially my fat quadriceps and my hugmungous RUMP. But I hear pain is good. And that for all that pain, muscle is building, and for all that muscle building, it needs fat for energy. Well...in THAT case...you just go on little sore muscles, build away and chew up my fat. I would like to someday entertain the possibility that hanging on to my 38 inch pants was not in vain!!!
Oh...and by the way. People have known me to be a giant Diet Coke whack. I am. Or. Was. I'm off of it. No more. That aspartame sweetner is too suspicious for me. Heard it's been linked with lots of strangeness in the human body, one of which is, strangely, WEIGHT GAIN!!! So I'm off of it. COMPLETELY. Lots of water. My head hurts. Constantly. But I've had three seperate people tell me that once your body figures out you're not drinking that crap anymore, BAM! There goes the weight. WHATEVER. All I know...is by the end of January, if I don't see the magic number 275 on my scale, I swear to GOD I'm looking for the nearest cliff.
Monday, January 08, 2007
I'm back...
New Year's Eve was spent laying on my couch watching Season 5 of 24, and then turning it off long enough to watch the ball come down with a VERY VERY sad Dick Clark stumbling through the countdown. Don't mean to be mean, seeing as though my dad is a major stroke survivor, but SOMEONE somewhere in the production booth could have, I don't know, accidentally turned Dick's microphone off. Gooooooood Lord. 20, 19, 12, 15, 10, 9, NEW YEAR!!! Come on Dick. We all love you. Don't leave us with a memory of you drooling on yourself and screwing up the countdown.
The holiday's are always bittersweet for me. I had a GREAT time watching my kids and being with my family on Christmas morning. No doubt. But tugging at me in the back of my mind that I was keeping at bay was that nagging feeling of my past--and the Christmases of my youth. Then I started missing my mom, who's been gone for freaking TWELVE YEARS NOW. Holy COW. TWELVE!!! And New Year's...I don't know. I must be some kind of a freak. I always get melancholy around New Year's. And I have NO REASON TO BE!!!! Isn't that dumbest thing? Can't explain it.
But this coming up year looks to be exciting both in my career, my business, and my family. The career is going fine, but we're about to embark on a CAD replacement for the Command Center, and I fully believe I will be in the thick of that project team. For my business, things are REALLY looking up. I have my new computer set up (complete with my 24 inch DELL widescreen monitor! It ROCKS!!!!!!!!!), and ready to start learning Pyware 3D Java. All 11 bands are on board for next year, plus several more prospects. Possible website coming. Got word from a long-time friend and "composer in residence" in China that they are wanting to start a marching band program out there to compete in the World Show Band--and they may be flying me out to meet with the school administrators. I'm announcing for WGASC. I may be announcing for DCI this summer for the Division II/III folks, but not sure yet. Will be judging my ass off again I'm sure. Writing for 2 corps...maybe 3. Just BUSY BUSY BUSY!!!!
Sorry this blog entry sort of sucks. I'm distracted here at work where I probably shouldn't be writing in my blog. But it's...it's....my 15 minute break. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah...that's the ticket.