I like this one...sort of funny....taking last summer here at OCFA.

Apparently I doctored it up a little. Anyway--see the dude with the cap on backwards in the snare line? He freaked me out one day. Comes up to me and tells me that he goes to drum corps shows here in southern California and didn't put two and two together but then it all made sense to him--I was THAT GUY that announces. So--he's like a financial guru dude here the OCFA, but he's loves marching band and drum corps. Never marched corps but always goes to shows and what not. True to his word, saw him at a show this past summer. Pretty cool, hanh?
And ONE MORE PIC--OK?!?!?!? Jeeeeeeeeeez...
This is our new SHIRT and PATCH design specifically designed for us. Pretty cool, hanh?? My buddy and dispatcher here at OCFA, Josh Goldmark, designed it and is coordinating the production of the patch and shirts. VERY impressive. Now I've been here twelve years, and SOME futile efforts have been made to do some team building around here--but I love it when someone grabs the freakin' bull the juevos rancheros if you get my drift and just freakin' DOES IT. That a boy my Hebrew Brudda From Anudda Mudda Shalom!!!!!!!!!!! This patch ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!
I am PERSONALLY offended however by the liberties taken to photoshop MY HEAD into the area of the orange as recently had been done by an unnamed cyber-assailant who works in our I.T. department. Suffice it to say, it was DOUBLY hurtful when you consider that this computer so-called PROFESSIONAL actually shares a drum corps heritage with you--yes, that's right. This so-called upstanding employee used to teach the Velvet Knights back in the 90's. WAY after me--the old veteran from the 80's. But still...a brother Velvet Knight. Tsk tsk...Of course, I had a Division Chief email me this morning commenting that I should be feeling PRETTY GOOD about things, because this is the first time in HIS career that he's ever seen an employee's likeness used for a character in a patch or shirt--referring to the large, orange head as seen above.
That's what a DIVISION CHIEF said to me.
Lovely. What am I going to do? Tell him to take a long walk off a short pier??? NOOOOOO!!! I said, "Yes sir whatever you say sir may I have another sir???"
OCFA. You just gotta love it.
what an ego, as if they really designed a t-shirt and patch around you. I highly doubt it. Get a life
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