--I have some research that I owe MYSELF about Obama. Don't want friends of mine to think I'm a complete ***hole and publish only half truths and what not about someone. Don't worry--it's in and amongst my list of "things to do".
--Went to a "product demonstration" of what is being referred to as "Next Generation 911". So all youz peoples out there that use your Crackberrys and iPhones and what not--and don't know how to dial 911...well guess what? The ENTIRE EMERGENCY TELEPHONIC INDUSTRY that supports my line of work is developing all new technology so instead of calling 911, you can just send me a video of a call, or a text message requesting help. Geeee...THANKS!!! Well my sarcasm notwithstanding, it sincerely IS a HUGE deal in the world of 911. I got to see two great products that deal with this, and I'm feeling like a really small fish in the big big big ocean of technology. But I'm learning...little by little. And if you're an OCFA ECC employee happening to read this, don't want to scare you. But changes are a'comin'. Probably not tomorrow. But next Monday for sure. :-) (I'm kidding...about the when that is...not the changes. Oh no...they ARE coming.)
--For all you band geeks and drum corps dorks, MUCH is happening in the world that I inhabit...the land of band stuff. My friend Jeff Pearson has stepped down as director of Santa Clara which shocked me at first, but then, realizing he actually has a life outside of drum corps, realized he's probably doing the right thing for his family which I know he cherishes. Other staff changes in the world of drum corps that are less shocking but one RUMOR that has reached me from a very reliable source that says.....well.....how do I say this? Uhhhh...someone that bleeds green may be adding red to that green soon. I'll leave it at that. But IF this rumor is true, it may be even bigger news considering things.
--Speaking of potential of change, I had a chance to meet with some "principles" who are on the road to starting a new and exciting drum corps in the San Diego area. My main focus of our meeting yesterday was to "talk them out of this". I didn't do a very good job. LOL!! But, based on what was told to me, I had a hard time formulating reasons NOT to put together this group after what was told to me about a unique strategy for the organization, the infrastructure that has been quietly (and I mean QUIETLY) put into place, and the awesome potential that I see. So...perhaps I might be given the task of being their "squawk box" and being the town cryer to announce them into existence. But time will tell--I gave them a few things to chomp on over the next month, plus I owe them some other organizational things I have in my files to maybe help talk them out of this foolish idea...lol. Soon enough...but I'm at about an 80% "launch" chance in the next 30-45 days for this organization. Until then though...my lips are sealed. I probably gave too much away already saying what area they're going to be from. And nooooooooooooooooo...this group has NOTHING TO DO with any previous organizations from the San Diego area. That was just in case any thoughts crossed anyone's mind...
--There's a certain band in a certain valley in Southern California that I have VIDEO RECORDED PROOF on my cell phone that is freakin' SCARY GOOD...on the 2nd day of band camp. Reports from this particular band camp is that the kids are "hyper focused" and are extremely hungry for success. Report received from person with 20+ years experience that he truly has NOT ever seen a situation like this, and wants to know if the city the school is in has had something put into the water supply. I would guess...video proof folks. I don't lie. Nor do videos.
--Went to an SCSBOA "field adjudication certification" seminar on Saturday. A little background...really little...after years and years and years of knocking on SCSBOA's door, I was FINALLY granted the right to be a visual performance judge 2 years ago. In the fall of 2006, I jokingly told the judge's scheduler to use me and abuse me. She did. Literally. In my rookie judging year with SCSBOA, I judged 13 shows all over southern California. I also (with one exception from a psychotic band director) received green sheets (the famous SCSBOA green sheet that directors can fill out after a show complaining or commenting on anything that happened...bad food, bad show hosts, bad judges) that actually COMPLIMENTED my judging. I only heard about it 2nd hand and never officially from SCSBOA, but that's what they do (not what I would do for sure), and there you go. First year with them was important to me, and I think I rose to the occasion. As a matter of fact, one school I judged has memorialized the tape I made for them at one of their shows, and I was told it was, in part, played for everyone at their band banquet a couple of years ago. EMBARRASSING but funny. ANYWAY (did I say this was going to be short...DAMMIT TURNER!!!), last season, because of a confluence of scheduling abnormalities and being affiliated with bands, I think I got....uuhhhhh...oh yeah. NO ASSIGNMENTS!!! Weird. I went from one end of the spectrum to the other. In the off season, there was a LOT of talk on and off line about SCSBOA judging (and the judges) not being adequete because there was no means for standardization and "training". SCSBOA assigned just-retired world famous band director John Vorwald to be the Judges Administrator for SCSBOA, and he/they came up with a "certification" procedure so that our judges are now "certified". I see the logic. And kudos to Paul Bluto who came ULTRA PREPARED for his visual certification seminar. With all due respect, I didn't expect much, and got a lot. Trent Newton, my old trombone section leader at Cal State Long Beach did a pretty dang good job of G.E. stuff as well. So why'd I talk about all of this? Because I got certified--I think--for visual, but they denied me for G.E., opting to use the old "you gotta be a band director to talk about it" reason, which of course is completely and utterly assinine as I am a professional show designer and a moderately successful musician who can speak intelligently to both music and visual aspects of a show BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I DO...but hey. I know...there's gotta be a line somewhere. And anyway, he did tell me if SCSBOA splits the G.E. caption into music and visual as seperate sheets, that I'll be "more than qualified" to do the visual effect caption. Gee...great. So...we'll see just how many assignments I get. There seemed to be a LOT of people at this event--and maybe SCSBOA won't be hurting for quality judges anytime this year like they have in recent years. We'll see--I still dig the judging thing. I'll be back in Illinois judging in September. VERY much looking forward to that.
--Last year, I was able to judge for MBOS. Earlier in my blog...like...LAST YEAR...I crowed about being able to share press box space with luminaries like the Dorrities, etc, etc. I loved judging for MBOS. I actually love MBOS in general terms. However, I have a sneaky suspicion I may not have been exactly what they were looking for. I remember having to be "talked to" about some of my scores being a tad inconsistent in terms of spread and "cause and effect" between subcaptions (which I truly did understand--just didn't realize the scrutiny factor was that high). I also got one "bad" comment (unknown if I got any good) from a director that was concerned I may have come across as sounding "mad" on my tape. I've been told that over the years in my teaching as well that due to my intensity of voice and passion for the activity, I get a little, ohhhh...high strung. It's NEVER mad. But it can be interpreted that way. ANYWAY...instead of getting any judging assignments with MBOS, I am announcing for them. So, at least I can help that way. It's just that when you've been announcing for what is it...25 years...it starts to get a tad old. Especially when you're handed AIR GRAMS!!!!!! Don't get me started about THAT subject.....good LORD!
--Family is well...my 5 month old Benjamin Wallace (sounds sort of like a basketball player's name...hahahaha...oh wait...that IS a basketball players name)

...laying there, all cute...giving me the stink eye...ahhhh, to heck with it. I think I'll keep him around a little longer. Whenever I go out with him, he's a chick magnet!!
Other kids are fine...AND QUIET for the love of...
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