Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rules of conduct...


Some guy named Tim O'Reilly coined the popular term "Web 2.0". If you want to know more about him, Wiki him. I don't provide links. Do it yourself. In any case, he is a blogger. I guess he, for whatever reason (ohhh I don't know--maybe to stop the phone calls????????????) came up with a Bloggers Rules of Conduct...and they are as follows...

--Take responsibility not just for your own words, but for the comments you allow on your blog.
--Label your tolerance level for abusive comments.
--Consider eliminating anonymous comments.
--Ignore the trolls.
--Take the conversation offline, and talk directly, or find an intermediary who can do so.
--If you know someone who is behaving badly, tell them so.
--Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in person.

That's pretty basic stuff. I especially take to heart the first and last rules. But apparently I didn't take it to heart while, in the heat of posting my last post and with a lot of angst and incredible amounts of stress and self-loathing, I typed some comments that, well, NOT TO ME but to others were construed as beneath me and angry or whatever. This isn't the first time this has occurred. For WHATEVER reason, and I don't know still exactly what its about, but this STUPID FREAKIN' BLOG gets to people.

So...I'm going to go back now and dumb down what I said before. If anyone was tweaked about what I wrote before, my most sincere and humble apologies for having a freakin' opinion. I'm sure the fate of whatever course is set for any "thing" or "group" I referenced will not be in the least affected nor downgraded nor smitten by this one fat guy's OPINION. (breath Turner) I'll "temper" my words in such a way so that I'll only reference things in the most bland and oblique ways so as to not cast ANY negative light whatsoever, even if said negative light was in fact FRUSTRATION BASED BECAUSE I COULDN'T FIT INTO WHAT I WAS DESCRIBING BEFORE DUE TO MY LACK OF WHATEVER--CALL IT ABILITY--LACK OF PATIENCE--LACK OF VISION--YOU NAME IT, IT WAS MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY FAULT.

(see?? oblique wasn't it????)

Can I just make a suggestion?. Please don't read this blog anymore. It's just going to get really boring from here on out. Really. Because sensitivity is just at an all time high in the world. I mean, if Santa Claus can't even say "Ho Ho Ho" because he might offend WOMEN (uhhh...yeah, true story...Google it, I don't do the link stuff very well), or newscaster can't call a rape suspect HISPANIC because, GOD FORBID, it's a racial profile, than WHO THE HELL AM I to think that I can speak candidly about MY frustrations and reference those things in my life that are...uh....FRUSTRATING. I'll just talk about happy things, and post links to funny videos, and put cute pictures of my two kids, and Skip To My Lou and Tu Ra Lu Ra Lu Ra.

Meanwhile, I'm going to go to Ebay after I finish doing my Mr. Nice Guy Dumb Down Edit and see if they have any thick skin for sale.

I believe some need it.

Bah ####ing humbug.

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