Thursday, October 16, 2008

...annnnnnnnnd away we go!!!

Marching band season is in full swing! The "fire season" is in full swing! And alllllllllllll is CRAZY!!

Hello all...if you know me on Facebook, than you know that I am spending in inordinate amount of time over there kabbitzing and meeting people and re-meeting old friends. It's really been quite cool. I've also linked this blog--The Observations of the H--with "My Notes" over in Facebook, so whatever I type here appears there. SO HI THERE!! I'm here. Or something.

Let's see...what can I talk about today?

Well, I just had lunch and I'm sitting down staring at my desk and several "to do" things on my list. One thing of interest was that on Friday of last week and then again this past Tuesday, I taught 4 classes in personal emergency preparedness to some employees of State Farm Insurance down in Irvine. My sister in law sort of put it together through their "employee betterment" classes they do where outside speakers come in and talk about all kinds of fun stuff--like will planning, financial planning, investing, computers, how to program your iPod, etc, etc. This was the first time that I officially taught a class on emergency preparedness, and outside of the fact that I was so nervous I could barely see straight, I actually did an ok job. Apparently they liked me. I'm going back in the spring.

As you are aware, the fire season is well upon us and this is always a troublesome time of year for me. My two loves in life--the fire service and the marching arts--sometimes come into conflict regarding my schedule. Bad. I hate that. So between my judging and announcing assignments this fall, as well as my requirement that if something bad happens at the fire department (like a big brush fire), I'm expected to drop whatever I'm doing and be at work, or STAY at work or whatever the case is. So...we'll see how this season goes.

And yes, the ever-loving marching band season is in full swing. My group in Illinois is doing PHENOMENALLY well, to the point that the director is "concerned" that they're getting way too big headed out there. Maybe I should fly back and explain the facts of life to them. One of my other groups out here just competed last weekend and won their class. COOOOOOOOOOOL!! Great way to start the season. But EVERY weekend except for Thanksgiving weekend, I'm doing SOMETHING somewhere. Amazing.

That's it...quite boring I admit...but it is what it is (dang it Thom...that's all I say anymore--and now EVERYONE at work is saying it....dang it!!!).

Now...get outta here!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not my fault!!!!!!