Friday, June 16, 2006

I'm alive...and kicking...

It's been a long week. A VERY long week. Many things coming to a head at the Fire Department that are better left unsaid on this public forum, but for those that have or have had jobs--one word--FRICKEN' POLITICS!!!!!!! GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWD!!! And I just found out today that we are losing one of our truly great dispatchers who is going to another career. This was a person I greatly admired as she was able to balance having 2 kids, a husband, a very active life involved in school events for her kids, AND working full time at this nutbag place. She was always--and I mean ALWAYS--ready to work, ready to do ANYTHING that was asked of her, never a problem employee, no attitude, no typical dispatcher BULLSHIT...and now, we lost her. Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat. Losing solid good attitude employees is always tough. But it also means that however I can in my leadership position, I have to keep on trying setting a good example myself and trying to motivate others to do the same. 911 dispatchers though--we're a tough crowd.

So--needless to say, sitting in my office this morning, I was pretty bummed. So I decided to venture over to Lee Rudnicki's blog. He's always good to get me in a good mood with his writings. And reading this latest entry solved two issues for me.

1. Made me realize that my earlier posting about the purple T-Rex weirdness was not all that weird...


2. Reading this entry was just what the doctor ordered to get me out of a bit of funk. Of course, you may go over and read it and think it's not that funny.

Your loss. to go do some more thinking and creating stuff.

Oh yeah...if you're in southern California on July 7th with no plans, allow me to make your plans for you.

BE HERE. I'm the MC. And you WILL enjoy it.

--insert requisite evil laughter here--

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