Saturday, July 08, 2006


I was the MC for the Loud Music Symposium--LA show held at Torrance and even wrote a review of can read it here.

I'm pooped. Remember my previous thing about a medical condition causing this fatigue? Well...hahahaha...a long-time friend and even employer at one time emailed me, just to say hi, telling me he likes to keep up with my life by my blog (furthering my OTHER friend's contention that I should keep this damn thing updated!!!! THANKS...more fuel for Dumitru--exactly what I need right now)...and telling me that all I need to do is look at my stupid schedule for this weekend!!!!! NO WONDER YOU'RE "FATIGUED"!!! Yeah...Rip Van Winkle, eh Dumitru???

So here I sit...I'm doing a 24 hour shift with the good ol' OCFA, starting my day at 5:30am this morning, after getting home from last night's LMS-LA show at 12midnight. By the way...THAT REMINDS ME...

I'm digging what they're doing with the 22 freeway. Really I am. It's been a long time coming. But, as my mom would say, "dammit all to hell", or as my dad would say, "Judas Priest!!", or as my mom and dad would say together, "SHUT UP RYAN!!!", did they HAVE TO START WORKING ON THE DAMN FREEWAY AT 11pm ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!!! Did Caltrans MISS THE MEMO that I was COMING HOME VIA THE 22!!!??? Did they FAIL TO REALIZE that they delayed me by not 10, not 20 but 45 minutes because I had to deal with lane closures and knuckleheads in their rice-burning shoe-sized cars (yes--that was a racially insensitive culturally biased statement I just made--but I call it like I see it--and truly, "they" CAN'T DRIVE!!!!--well, at least last night they couldn't!)?

OK--sorry...rant over. But man...I was BURNT. I was wasted. Tired. FATIGUED. And I had to deal with this crap on the 22. You know, more about the drivers of the rice burning know what? Damn the movie Too Fast and Furious Drifting Tokyo's what's causing what I saw last night. Damn movie. And speaking of which--a friend of mine that has NOTHING to do with Fire Department or BAND was talking to me about his 19 year old son who came home the other day after seeing aforementioned movie. Conversation went something like this...

SON: "I'm moving to Tokyo, Dad."
DAD: "Reason?"
SON: "Because they drift over there."
DAD: "It's windy?"
SON: "No dad...they race. You know? Cars. But they call it drifting."
DAD: "OK."
SON: "Don't think I want to go to school right now. Just want to go to Tokyo. Learn how to drift."
DAD: "Son?"
SON: "Yeah."
DAD: "Shut the hell up and take out the trash. Please."

Problem with the not-so-funny dialogue above was that the 19 year old son was not joking. There was more discussion afterwards about HOW THIS COULD WORK OUT...which is code for HOW WOULD DAD BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO SUPPORT SAID SON TO GO TO TOKYO AND LEARN HOW TO DRIFT. If it was my son, he would never have been able to form a thought about that because his ASS would be too tired from marching in CORPS!!!!!!!!!!!

ooooooooooooooooooo rah!!

Anyway...are you having fun reading my blog?

You are?


Now get outta here...


JD said...
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JD said...

Wow, stuck on a freeway that they (OCTA with Measure M money) have been doing a design/build project to widen and ease traffic for a little over 2 years. Interesting that you wouldn't know how to use side streets like Beach Bl or Harbor to shoot straight up and get back to Carbon Canyon...oops, meant Brea where you live.

As for tired, today, I get why your tired, it must be difficult to sleep 5 1/2 hours and then come to work.

Now wait a minute, I was out till 1:30 am watched the "Pirates of" movie, btw, its ok...1st was much better...but back on subject, I ended up at home in bed at about 2am and asleep, awoke around 6am and into the OCFA to work. Interestly enough, I am not tired....

Guess what I am trying to say is.... CRY ME A FREAKING RIVER