Tuesday, August 01, 2006

One more thing about this Madison trip...

I just realized...and far be it from me to COMPLAIN about this because I'm not...I'm just stating something for the record. But after this trip and all the costs associated with said trip, including but not limited to, airfare, car rental, mandatory dinner for friend in Milwaukee, mandatory OCFA shirt as gift to friend in Milwaukee, mandatory dinner (or at least a diet Coke for AT LEAST John Donovan, Jeff Ream, Cozy Chops, Fran "THE EAST COAST ANSWER TO THE WEST COAST VOICE" Haring, and I'm sure thousands of others), tickets, food, housing, food, program, food, maybe a shirt or a hat or 300, more food, and.....uh....food, well...it's finally starting to dawn on me.


Ahhhhhhh...I grew up poor...had a bit of success in the early 90's...got married...been poor ever since. What's new?

AT LEAST I GET TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did I mention I'm about as excited about a trip as I've been in a long time? I haven't? Well...just a reminder...

I'M JAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZED...becoming poor or not.

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