Thursday, July 17, 2008

In case you were curious...

That story from my 911 career was written in a moment of clarity I had yesterday while in an email "conversation" with a very good friend of mine who is also in the 911 industry. We both have our battle scars over the years, and I was wanting to relay that story to prove a point--sort of. In any event, after I emailed my friend, I thought it would be cool to throw it up on my blog. I talk so much about drum corps, marching band, and other silly things up on this thing that I thought it would be good balance to at least show--once in awhile--that I actually do have a "serious job" and have been doing it for a good many years. That's all.

And yeah, that day royally sucked for me. And as you can see, it still is and always will be that wound inside that will probably never COMPLETELY heal. But, suffice it to say, we all have those wounds in our history--be it in your career, personal life, love life, whatever--and all it does is make us stronger. Hopefully, that is.

Now, some day I'll tell you about the man who called me on New Year's Eve with a bleeding penis...and what exactly an iguana had to do with it (and no, this has nothing to do with the Madison Scouts...if you don't know what the hell THAT meant, I guess you better read back in my blog, hanh?)

Ciao for now!

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