Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Been kind of quiet as of late. That last post from back on June 12 generated some interesting emails and Facebook contacts. Got in contact with a couple of old friends from way back who happened to know who I was talking about. Pretty cool.

Well--good news. M had her surgery and it was pretty successful. She's in great hands with some of the best doctors in the world that deal with exactly what she has. Suprisingly, she's getting some very optimistic prognosises from them. I say suprisingly because I made the mistake of looking on the internet for more information on this situation, and was none too pleased with what I was reading. I'm relieved to say the least that she's doing ok. Her husband has sent out some "mass emails" to lots of folks and so I'm being updated. Good for M.

In my other life as a drill designer, this season has taken a dramatic trip down the shitter. Well, actually that's a little melodramatic. There are some changes, and I'm "only" writing for four bands this year. When I look at my Work History Profile that I created for my drill design/instruction side of my life, over the last 24 years there has been a certain "ebb and flow" in terms of how many clients I get every year. It's too be expected, especially considering I do absolutely NO advertising, no hustling, no flyers, no's just word of mouth. If this was my primary income I'd be far far more serious and "involved" on the business end (marketing, selling, blah blah blah). But I've cultivated this part of my life as always having the potential to be big, but never really pursuing it. Mainly because I have a career already, so it's not like I need the money (although the extra income IS nice). I've done it because it's been a ton of fun to see what I write on a piece of paper (or now put on a computer screen) come to life on a football field.

Well, it's a combination of personal issues as well as just some of the frankly STUPID decisions and other related "issues" over the last year and half that have caused me to feel "the burn" start. And I ain't talking about the burn of excitement or passion...I'm talking the burn of being burned out. Like I said, I do take SOME ownership in this situation because I was promoted at the Fire Department last October and there's been a learning curve in that area of my life (and some success AND bitter disappointment), so I'm certainly acknowledging that. But it just kills me that last year--ohhhh, about April or so if I'm not mistaken--I was feeling on top of the world, and now, I'm bordering on a burn out. And I hate to sound corny or like a broken record, but I was very much inspired by someone whose blog I absolutely love ( Unless he's an absolute liar, this is a guy whose work ethic and tenacity just blows me away everytime I read about his exploits. And another motivator to me is my father and mother in law, two people who know the value of work and can juggle multiple projects at one time, and usually do...365 days a year. So to be burned out or getting there SUCKS AND BUGS ME TO NO END!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I was highly motivated by these examples as well as other more personal issues to get beyond my comfort zone and do more. And I did! I just had different results that rocked my world a bit. And now because of that and my burn out factor, my tolerance for B.S. has been lowered greatly. Rather than review the amount of B.S. I'm dealt with specifically in this area of my life, I'll just say you'll have to trust me in this regards--because it's a LOT to be frank.

What does it all mean? I don't know if it really "means" anything. There are people in my life with far more pressing issues (like one who is in an ICU right now recovering from brain surgery for God's sakes). Do I REALLY think my burn out and frustrations have any "meaning" when compared to brain surgery? No. I'm realistic. I know I'm bellyaching up the wrong tree. is what it is (as a friend likes to say--right Thom?), and it sort of helps explain me...which sometimes, is beyond explanation. Or something.

In other news...

--Flew to Salt Lake City with family in tow for a wedding of one of Nyleen's 7 brothers. Yeah. SEVEN!!! (Are you reading this, Lee??) Anyway, he got married to some rich girl and blah blah blah. The trip itself had great potential to be a disaster, as I was traveling with a 7 year old girl who is just beginning to understand everything there is to understand about Hannah Montana, a 4 year old boy that is hooked on Squarebob Spongepants or whatever the hell is name is, and walks around singing Thomas the Train songs, a 4 MONTH old GIANT MAN BABY who has never flown before, and my perpetually motion-sick wife. Trip turned out nicer than I thought. Stayed in the basement of one of Nyleen's aunts. Visited with lots of family, did some partying (yeah...I WAS IN UTAH...there idea of a wild party is to throw green jello at each other), visited some cool places (like Provo Canyon--where if I was independently wealthy, wasn't married, didn't have kids, and hated marching band/drum corps, I would move to in a New York minute...AWESOME country back there). the way...flew JetBlue for the first time. I will simply say this--I will NEVER fly another airline as long as I live if I have a chance to fly JetBlue.

--You've been reading I'm sure in the news about the wildfires from hell in northern California, right? At one point in time, there were 1400...FOURTEEN HUNDRED!!!...fires burning. Why should I care and how does that affect southern California? Simple. We have this thing called "mutual aid" in the fire service. So we (the OCFA where I work) have sent fire engines and manpower (called "overhead") to various locations to assist other agencies in northern California. Yes--it DOES impact us down here in southern California. Suprisingly--we've been spared down here from any fires. WHICH IS WEIRD. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeally weird. However...if I were you, I would move out of the state by October 1. That's when the Santa Ana Wind season starts. All bets are off at that point.

That's about it for now--just wanted to give a quick update. I've got nothing else.

Take care...and thanks for reading.

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