Monday, July 14, 2008

This past weekend...and other things

Argh!!! I just realized that my blog is now being treated like a "newsfeed" to my Plaxo network, and so all of those people are reading my most intimate and secret thoughts.

:- /


Hi Plaxo People. Whatever the hell Plaxo is! And when the hell did I sign up for Plaxo!?!?!? I thought I was with Linked In and Facebook and Myspace and and and and...face it. It's all my desperate attempt to get attention--RIGHT RON!?!?!?! (inside joke hidden in an insult hidden in self-deprecation...which is better than self-crapatation, which means I'm pooping on myself).

Speaking of pooping on myself, I need to post the video of Triumph the Insult Dog talking to the geeks in line for Star Wars. Truly a great moment in comedy history.

Speaking of comedy, if you haven't watched Last Comic Standing, you're missing a pretty hip show. I watched it last week after not watching it for awhile. Reality TV game show thing where comics compete and vote each other off. I know--real "lofty" television for me, but it takes my mind off the hell that is my life. Anyway--God's Pottery, the duo comedy team that BUSTED ME UP BIG TIME got freakin' BOOTED. And that non-funny Korean chick is STILL ON THE SHOW!!! I freakin' HATE reality TV...and here I am, TOTALLY absorbed by this crapheap. WTF is wrong with me? Hello, Psychologists-'R-Us, yes, do you have any openings today?

Speaking of today, had a nice lunch with a friend from work that marched in the Villa Park HS Spartan Brigade Marching Yahoo's back in the early 70's at the same time my goofball brother was marching at Pasadena High School. He remembers PHS from back then, but he admits, he remembers little because of all the...uh...well...uh...because of the...well, you know. IT WAS 70's for God's sakes...

Speaking of God, why does He hate me so much? He doesn't? Oh good. That's great. Just fantastic. I feel better already.

Speaking of dreaming--the So Cal Dream All-Age Drum and Bugle Corps out of....hell, I STILL don't know what city they're from...scored about 3 millimeters lower than the highly vaulted and talented and touted San Francisco Renegades in a local contest this past season. I was very happy for my former corps that I used to write for who apparently don't miss me at all and wonder "RYAN WHO?" Anyway...I was really happy for them. They've come a long way baby, apparently with better drill now! DOH!!!

Speaking of drill, I came home last night after doing a 12-hour shift at the Southern Operations Command Center in Riverside, California where I assisted USFS and Cal Fire coordinating manpower. YES YES YES--I know, I work for Orange County Fire. But there's this thing called "mutual aid" I described in an earlier post that allows for experts (NOT SAYING I'M ONE) in particular areas of fire management to go out to incidents or other command centers and help. I went as what they refer to as an Expanded Dispatch Dispatcher Dispatching Dispatches...or something. Anyway THE POINT BEING...I came home and turned on my Pyware and attempted to do some more pages for my big band back in Illinois that I'm writing for and realized my head was so far up my ass I could smell my own breath, and that any attempts at creativity were being met with some of the stupidest drill move animations that have ever been seen at anytime in the history of mankind. I thankfully went to bed, only to be woken up at 3am by some woman in my bed freaking out from a bad dream. Gee--that's never happened before in 14 years of marriage.

Speaking of bed...have you ever fallen asleep because you're so tired but you wake up not realizing you actually fell asleep and you sort of look around and wonder just what the hell happened? I do that at night. I like to read before I go to sleep. Actually, I LOVE TO READ BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP. I'm reading "2012" by Whitley Streiber about anal probing aliens from another dimension that can rip your soul out of your body and DESTROY IT. That sucks. Anyway...I usually fall asleep...actually, more like freakin' passing out...and then coming to like 10 minutes later with the book still perfectly balanced between my fingers propped up on my chest. Bottom line--it freaks me the hell out.

Speaking of hell, hell is working with someone from Mississippi for 12 hours straight who has a hearing impediment and says, "Hunnnnh? What'd ya say?" approximately 390 HOUR!!

Speaking of hour...I've stayed my hour. I'm leaving now. More to come soon. Check back often. Your mileage may vary. And please, can I give you one bit of wise advice? I CAN? I shall.



Be good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss God's Pottery as well. And yes I read your blog from time to time when I have nothing else to view on the net.