Monday, October 20, 2008
Another milestone day...
Fast forward to today...she's 7 years old...she's in 2nd grade. She plays piano, sometimes scaring the crap out of me because she'll say "Hey daddy, does this sound ok?" and I look up, and she's playing 2 hand piano stuff LOOKING AT ME AND NOT THE KEYBOARD!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! You're 7!!! Knock off this Liberace showing off crap!! LOL!!! She's bright, she's intelligent, she's a sarcastic sass at times (which really chaps my hide because she's JUST like her mom!! Grrrrrr!!), she's unbelievably beautiful, and she's been through a ringer to start her life.
I got a call this morning from The Warden, telling me that today was the first time she was going to take the bus to school instead of mom schlepping her around. The Brea Unified School District finally decided to add a bus stop for us canyon dwellers, and today was the first day of service. As The Warden put it--"Sarah was so excited today. She ate breakfast with great speed, and got ready. And then, from the dining room she yelled, 'They're here, they're coming!!' And I told her go outside and wait for them!" Them being the neighborhood kids traveling in a "pack" to go to the bus stop.
We're really protective of Sarah. Not obnoxiously--we don't hover. But we are pretty careful about keeping an eye on her, keeping her safe, setting rules pretty clearly, having expectations, blah blah blah. So, this was a MAJOR step towards one, letting her have a more freedom, and two, LETTING GO A BIT. As my friend back in Illinois says, "TIME TO CUT THE UMBILICAL CORD!!" What he means is that sometimes as parents you just have to let go, and let life happen. Today--because I'm HERE at the OCFA, I missed this little milestone of letting her go. Bittersweet to say the least, but ultimately, happy for my "little girl". Apparently The Pack showed up, and she ran outside with her bookbag and lunch, and "got in line" with everyone and took off up the street to the bus stop. The Warden had to choke up back a tear (and so did I as she was telling me about this) and stifle the need to "supervise" the kids as they walked down the street. And the part that really hits me--where if you're not a dad you may not "get it"--but the part that really hit me was when my wife said, "And you should have seen her face. She was soooo proud of herself. She had that 'lips clamped smile' and she was looking out of the side of her eyes at me as she walked away." I know that sounds weird, but I know my daughter. And I know inside, she was a mix of elation that she was with "her people", and being a "grown up" by taking off to go catch a bus, but at the same time, it's hard not to think that maybe she was a tad bit scared. And that she was just glancing to make sure mom was still there.
Damn kids. They make my eyes leak.
Well done daughter.
Well done.
Friday, October 17, 2008
I HAVE THE KONK!!!!!!!!!!
This recent "rescue plan" for the economy, this 750 BILLION dollar exercise of throwing a Big Gulp full of water on a raging forest fire, is a joke? WHY!?!?!? Because what we DON'T know about it--and that's the "earmarks" that are part of it. Not even about the fruitlessness of this "rescue", it's about people in politics getting what they WANT for THEM. Really. That's the BOTTOM line. So I'm sick of it. Really. Sick of it.
Not to mention this campaign. There was about 5 minutes of the presidential debate that I listened to before I seriously got nauseaous. There was NOTHING said--it was finger pointing. It was worthless. It meant NOTHING. Empty words. Empty promises. BY BOTH of these guys. And it's in a long line of previous empty promises.
We don't...oh sorry...I DON'T trust my government anymore. I simply don't. We as a people have let things slip away from black and white, right and wrong, into moral ambiguity, relative ethics, lies, corruption...oh the list goes on. But that's human nature,'s too be expected. I say it's NOT to be expected. I EXPECT leaders to hold themselves to a higher standard. I EXPECT that the good of the citizens of this country are FIRST AND FOREMOST in the minds of those that we pay OUT OF OUR ASSES IN TAXES FOR IN GOVERNMENT. But it's just not so.
So...that's why I've become "political". I'm not jumping on any bandwagon and saying "Vote for (insert name)" because no one is worthy. True, I've dug a little deeper and apparently Obama has some good ideas that if I were to be completely honest, I tend to think he may have an edge over McCain in (and I'm speaking directly about his tax plan). But I stop myself RIGHT THERE--because it's probably NOT going to happen. Maybe it's because it's a lie from Obama, or maybe "something will happen" and the 95% of us that are supposed to get a tax break under him won't enjoy it. So I say vote for no one. What does it matter?
But you wanna know something?? Here's where I think I have found, at least in this clip, my voice. I love Jon Stewart. I think he's a great talent, and he says it like it is. Watch this clip, and just feel behind the comedy the frustration that he speaks to...and of. That's me. You can put my face on Stewart's body, and I'd say the same damn thing.
But I'm louder. :-) Enjoy...and then I'll see you our country continues to sink to new lows...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
...annnnnnnnnd away we go!!!
Hello all...if you know me on Facebook, than you know that I am spending in inordinate amount of time over there kabbitzing and meeting people and re-meeting old friends. It's really been quite cool. I've also linked this blog--The Observations of the H--with "My Notes" over in Facebook, so whatever I type here appears there. SO HI THERE!! I'm here. Or something.
Let's see...what can I talk about today?
Well, I just had lunch and I'm sitting down staring at my desk and several "to do" things on my list. One thing of interest was that on Friday of last week and then again this past Tuesday, I taught 4 classes in personal emergency preparedness to some employees of State Farm Insurance down in Irvine. My sister in law sort of put it together through their "employee betterment" classes they do where outside speakers come in and talk about all kinds of fun stuff--like will planning, financial planning, investing, computers, how to program your iPod, etc, etc. This was the first time that I officially taught a class on emergency preparedness, and outside of the fact that I was so nervous I could barely see straight, I actually did an ok job. Apparently they liked me. I'm going back in the spring.
As you are aware, the fire season is well upon us and this is always a troublesome time of year for me. My two loves in life--the fire service and the marching arts--sometimes come into conflict regarding my schedule. Bad. I hate that. So between my judging and announcing assignments this fall, as well as my requirement that if something bad happens at the fire department (like a big brush fire), I'm expected to drop whatever I'm doing and be at work, or STAY at work or whatever the case is. So...we'll see how this season goes.
And yes, the ever-loving marching band season is in full swing. My group in Illinois is doing PHENOMENALLY well, to the point that the director is "concerned" that they're getting way too big headed out there. Maybe I should fly back and explain the facts of life to them. One of my other groups out here just competed last weekend and won their class. COOOOOOOOOOOL!! Great way to start the season. But EVERY weekend except for Thanksgiving weekend, I'm doing SOMETHING somewhere. Amazing.
That's it...quite boring I admit...but it is what it is (dang it Thom...that's all I say anymore--and now EVERYONE at work is saying it....dang it!!!).
Now...get outta here!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
What a week...WHAT...A...WEEK.
There's no lack of "things" in my life. I have 3 children, a wife, a home, a career, my marching band business that can be whatever I want it to be, opportunities to judge and announce galore, really great friends, a faith that if not strong is at least there in something BIGGER than just this stupid life...and I was reminded that (to paraphrase a popular "feel good" self help expression) "For every horse that bucks you off, there are 10 more waiting for you. Some are going to buck you off, some are going to take you where you want. The difference between Ryan H. Turner and the rest of humanity is having the courage to chance success or failure by getting up off your ass and picking the next horse."
Believe it or not--I just made that up. Just right now. But it's appropriate isn't it? Life got you down? You got a plate with a big steamin' pile of poop on it sitting in front of you? You feel overwhelmed? You got a boss that smacks you down? You got a love in your life that's not loving you back? You got more things to do on your list than you have space on the paper for?
You take it all one day at time. That's allllllllllllllllllllll you can do. One. Day. At a time. Slow down. Take stock. Take a deep breath. Chill. Reeeeeeeeeeelax. And remember those things that are far far far more important than trivial everyday-ism's.
Who loves you? Who do you love? Who do you appreciate? Who makes you smile? Who is important to you? Who do you wake up everyday thinking to yourself about? Now...ask yourself...did you tell them in the last 24 hours, 48 hours, 2 week, 3 years...did you tell them they're important to you, that you are grateful they're around, that they EXIST, that they bring meaning and significance to your life beyond the old "Hey how ya doin' dude" or "Let's go watch Sex and the City girlfriend!" pleasantries.
Because nothing is more important. And if your priorities are out of whack, if your focus is on the money, or the woman, or the man, or impressing this, or buying that, or looking like this, or losing that weight, or climbing that corporate ladder, or crushing that opposition...whatever...WHATEVER it is...if you're out of balance in your life, whether you tend to get bitch slapped like I do (and did), or you're oblivious, I can guarandamntee you some part of your life is suffering. And more than likely, some ONE is suffering because of you.
We are toooooooooooooooooooooooooo engrained nowadays in the riff raff. We're too ready to go ($1 to my friend Bill in Illinois) "chase the butterfly". We're forgetting what's REALLY important. We're forgetting.
And this little rant is only brought to you from recent personal experience. If my life was balanced, I probably would have been doing a better job at what i was supposed to be doing, and I would never have been slapped. Or, if my life was balanced, and I still got slapped, I would have brushed it off, recommitted to doing better without any drama, and would have hit the ground running.
So I was definitely out of balance. And it's been my experience after a 42 year career of being Ryan H. Turner that these...what I call..."life's bitch slaps" tend to, at least for me, realign my priorities a bit. Sure--this is probably just an exercise in "verbal judo" ($1 to Kino, and old boss of mine), a slightly metaphysical/self-help type rant from yours truly...but that's what a blog is for. It's my thought right now that I have to get out. Partly to explain what the hell was wrong with me this week, partly to show by example that even idiots like me can stand back up and persevere, and that really, truly, I was reminded by that same dear, dear friend of mine that no matter what, don't forget who you REALLY are, and don't forget to share with those in your life the fact you're grateful they're there.
I have someone who I regard as my best friend (not my wife...a long time band/corps geek brother) who I use regularly (and he reciprocates with me) as a sounding board for WHATEVER. Crazy business idea? We yak. Crazy drill design idea? We yak. Crazy vacation idea. We yak. But we're not scared to thank each other for being each other's friend during these crazy times while we both have to deal with our own "spheres of responsibiity" in whatever we're dealing with. How grateful am I that I have at least ONE person that I can rely on that way.
Sorry for the rant. Sorry the time it took to have to wade through this. But this has been a very strange and very wonderful week.
So...there you go.
Now get outta here.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Not Being Bored....Part II...
Now where was I?
--Belleville East HS, the band for which I came out to Illinois fortwith to clinic and judge their home show and then get on a bus and go to ANOTHER competition where they competed...this is a band as I described to them in my rather loud and motivating motivational "session" as being a "boiling pot of potential". I let them (the kids) know they could choose what direction to go. They have a pretty difficult show this season, full of LOTS of exciting music (props to John Meehan) and a pretty kicking drum line and a pit...OF 17 PEOPLE!! HELLLLLLLLLLLLLO!!! There's a whole lot of wood and metal in East's pit this year. But they're really good.
But by biting off a HUGE chunk to chew on with difficult music and challenging drill, well, instead of playing it safe and going with clean, they're experiencing the competitive reality of getting smacked around by the judges for "not being clean". I have gone through the same thing, most notably with Fountain Valley's Waterworld show and RBV's Kansas show, both VERY challenging and different levels. Both bands started slow, but both bands (in different years of course) roared to life by the end of the season, winning sweeps at the pseudo-championship mega-show Savanna Tournament. Belleville went into the competition last night with one goal--to simply do the best they can and soak up what happens with the audience. It was a typical high school stadium, not the tallest in the world, but it was a VERY long set of stands, so people were all the way out to the 10's. And it was PACKED. VERY cool to see that. And as we were walking over to the starting gate, the crowd was polite for the band before us (Oakville...HOLY COW...clean clean clean band), and gave them a nice round of applause at the end. But when "we" took field, our kids were pumped and right off the bat, the audience came alive. It was VERY VERY cool. Lots of clap traps built into the show (THANKS AGAIN MEEHAN!!!), and we've added a couple of doozy's. And with only 3/4's of a show on the field (they're still trying to figure out how to do my crazy rotating blocks...or how to arrange my death for writing them in the first place!!), they sort of got spanked last night. I mean...not HORRIBLY...lots of VERY positive comments with the admonition to clean the show (I agree obviously), but when they DO clean this out.
SPECIAL NOTE TO ANY SOUTHERN ILLINOIS MARCHING TECH they're reading this but hell, people know people so read on. If there are any tech people in the eastern Missouri southern Illinois area that want to hook up with a great band, search out Belleville East. They could use some eyes for the rest of the season--as long as you don't want to come in and change the world, you may be able to help this old man out and a GRRRRRRRRRREAT band full of some great kids. Director is on his own for the most part. Word.
--Guess what? Politics exist in the minds of band directors in the midwest too!!!
--Guess what?? Some judges have the unfortunate banner above their head in the midwest of being biased. GASP!!! That NEVER happens. ANYWHERE!!!! The shame...
--McAlister's Deli?? Midwest thing. It rocks. Thank you midwest for adding yet again to my waist line.
--To the manager at Starbucks in O'Fallon, Illinois just outside my hotel. Thank you for not making me feel like a complete loon for ordering (wait for it) a glass of milk to go with my apple fritter. Yes. A glass of milk. Isn't that sweet? Whatever Turner.
--Dallas/Fort Worth International is the most rockingest bitchin' airport ever. I think it gives Tampa a run for the money. This place is REALLY REALLY nice, with this elaborate "Skylink" metrorail system that gets you from gate to gate. And as I people watch frommy perch high atop a stool here in the dining area outside of DICKEY'S, I really am impressed with how nice it is here. Of course, I'm easy to impress. But it is what it is...RIGHT THOM WILLET!!!??? It is.
--Facebook is going to be the death of me.I'm just going to be so stuck on it that I will lose all sense of time and I will come to and my daughter will be 22 and married with kids on the way. Damn that Facebook. DAMN IT.
--OH OH OH OH!!!! BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm anticipating an email from a major marching band in the western United States that quite possibly is interested in entering into discussion about next year. This is actually such a shock that apparently it shocked it's way out of my memory. But seriously. It's a case of yet again being in the right place at the right time. And I have to rely on the old "If a door closes, another opens." I just didn't ever think it would be THAT door. For obvious reasons, I'm mum on who this is, but obviously I'll yap about it up here on The Observations of the H...
--Cool side note to the of the judges was a local band director by the name of Jo Smith. Didn't recognize her. She judged visual ensemble, and my happy butt was on visual G.E., you know, where I talk about THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE MUSIC TO THE OVERALL DESIGN OF THE SHOW AND IT'S EFFECTIVENESS (sorry...I was hoping someone in SCSBOA was reading this...DOH!!!)...where was I?...oh yeah, so we introduce ourselves and she says, "Sooooooooooooo you live La Brea, right?" would be a tar pit. I explained where I really live. I live in the hills that used to be a huge oil find back in the 1800's. OHHHHH...she said her son lived in Van Nuys. Oh...that's cool. Is he someone I should know (non sarcastically stated of course...if you know me...I could be QUITE the OTHER way with a question like that). "Oh his name is Nathan Smith....he's the assistant director for The Cavaliers." OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...THAT Nathan Smith. That's exactly what I said. OHHHHHHHH...HIM! Still not quite connecting the dots, I said "Does he judge out in southern California?" And she said the keywords that activate the gray matter to remember things...she says, "Ohhhh he is more now, but he works in the movie industry, so his schedule isn't normal." DING DING DING DING!!! And in classic Ryan H. Turner, I bellow, "OHHHHHHHHH I KNOW YOUR SON!!!!" And I did. I met Nathan when I went and judged my very first show for SCSBOA 3 years ago at the Simi Valley Tournament. He was the guard judge. Thinking my crap didn't stink back then (and I still do of course), and thinking I knew EVERYONE, I had never met him before. Cool dude...we talked...I remember him telling me he was in set design or something blah blah blah for "the industry". So of course I checked IMDB and YEP, he's for real. wanted to share it. Jo gave me some 411 on DCI and judging and stuff. She's a VERY VERY nice lady and a VERY VERY good judge. I wilted in her presence as I could hear her while we were working. side story.
That's my peeps...I'm winding down on my layover here, thinking it may be time to strategically place myself closer to gate C12 (I'm all the way down at DICKEY'S at gate C6 because I just had to go to DICKEY'S apparently. Hope all is well with the 5.3 people that read this tripe.
And now...for a little tradition...a sign off that I used to use all the time when I first started this blog...
Thanks for please...GET OUTTA HERE!!
I just paid 7.99 to NOT be bored!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...I can't do that, now can I? So I have a laptop (thank the Lord!) that when I travel mano y mano, becomes my link to the outside world. Most terminals are cool. They have free wireless. But not St. Louis. Oh nooooooooo. I have either have an account with some wireless provider, OR, I have to sign up with something that sounds like the beginning of a title of a porn movie. BOINGO?? What the?? So hear I am...$7.99 spent. Sitting in St. Louis, raining like a mutha outside as the last dying part of the giant Ike comes a'rollin' through, desperately missing my Sarah Bearah, Michael Ryan, and Mr. Chubs Benjamin Wallace....oh yeah, and I'm missing my wife too. :-) Here's some observations from my 3 days away...
--I love Ontario International Airport. They have their act DOWN. Surreal moment of my trip. I had just gotten up to the check your bags security area at Ontario on 9/11 at 8:44am. Yeah. To my surprise, some TSA dude all of a sudden yells "ALLL STOP!! ALLLLL STOP!!!! DISCONTINUE CHECKS!!!!" I'm thinking, "Great...Osama is in the house. We're all going to die." And then the coolest thing that I ever think I've seen happened. All of a sudden EVERYTHING stopped. EVERYONE stopped. Of course I'm dense and at the very first I was seriously thinking something was wrong, but then, DUH, it was 8:44am. And then the president of Ontario International got on the speaker system, and then the weirdest dang thing I've EVERY seen got DEAD ASS QUIET. NO ONE was talking...except for this disembodied voice from the speaker system. And in a quick, eloquent, meaningful, and dare I say heart-tugging moment, he asked all of us to pay our respects with a moment of silence on this horrible anniversary. And we did. I'm a big softy and I cry---OK!! Just get over it. I CRY. And here I am, choking up in a freakin' airport terminal, because I'm experiencing this "thing" with everyone else. Usually airports are a seas of humanity that has absolute no connection with each other with the exception that we all have to pack ourselves on aluminum tubes with wings and fly to destinations unknown. But we were there all sharing in the memory of that horrible day. Earlier in my blog archives, you can read where and what I was doing on Sept 11, 2001. A cool, sad, surreal, and impactful moment to start my trip.
--St. Louis, Missouri...the one SCARY ass city. It's embarrassingly nasty. If there is anyone from the St. Louis city council reading this blog, do me a favor. At least TEAR DOWN the burned out tenaments and buildings that line the freeway. For God's sakes. And don't even get me talking about the war zone known as EAST St. Louis. Crimeny sakes.
--Belleville is a cute little midwestern city. Everything is green. EVERYTHING. I suffered through humidity levels that would have made a yak puke. It was just the nastiest thing in the world. I don't EVER remember VK tour in the 80's ever experiencing humidity the likes of which I had this past weekend. Well...except for that time in Omaha when I thought that possible someone left a door open....TO HELL!! That was bad. But the weather reports were all ominous the time I was here. Thunderstorms...heavy rain...wind...we didn't think we were even going to be able to rehearse for the show, much less have the competition. But the weather NEVER materalized until this morning, and then the hounds were released. I'm tellin' ya...if we had rain and wind like what I saw this morning in southern California for longer than 17 seconds, I swear to you, people would simply die. They would fall over dead from fright. We don't get this kind of weather.
--Belleville East HS is a former community college campus. Big, nice, all brick, well kept, and an interesting demographic of 50/50 whites and blacks. I only notice that because I think I saw one Hispanic. Oh and an dude from India. But what I saw was VERY heartening. For all the crap we hear in the media about racial inequality, and racial tension, and racial this, and racial that, I was watching the band kids and to some extent because I was there during the school day, the general population. Groups of kids were pretty mixed. Didn't hardly see big roving groups of one race. And everyone seemed very friendly to each other. Encouraging.
--Belleville East HS Marching Lancers is, as I told them during my "motivational session" a "big boiling pot of potential". They have had significant - more to come...they just called me to the plane...gotta go...check back!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
What am I? A Walking Information Kiosk?!? Live from Phoenix...
ANyway--odd experience today. Don't know if it's my naturally angelic, even dare I say cherubic looks or what, but I've been the parlayer of information to a random assortment of freaks today. Dude sitting next to me on the plane I think has never flown before. Why? Because he asked when we started to pull in to Phoenix, "So, uhhh...what do I? Do I just try to get off the plane as soon as I can?" It caught me off guard. I should have said, "Well of course dimwit. YOu claw and fight your way to the front as fast as possible-and you better watch out. I'm fighting too!!!" But I sort of chuckled to myself and said, "'s sort of like an orderly system. You'll get it." Just as soon as I said that, some impatient fossil of a man sort of shoved his way down the hallway right past my rookie flyer friend. Idiot.
But yeah....random questions today. Right along those lines. But it's to be expected. All of my life--well, my ADULT life--I'm always been approached by people asking me questions of like where to go, directions, opinions, etc, etc. My lot in life. Never fails to amuse me how many times I'm in a store and people automatically think I work there...Circuit City, Walmart, freakin' DENNY'S, whatever..."Hey man, do you work here?" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
So there you go....Hey I got some good news for once. And no, it's not about Sarah Palin, the next best thing that's come out of Alaska since its oil (that we sell to Japan--go figure). No, I do have good news about a subject of great concern I've had over the last few months. If you go back to my June archive, you'll see a story about a former love of my life that was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor and the resultant shock it was to my life. Well, I'm VERY happy to report (finally because this is sort of old news) that her surgery was a bonafide success, she's under close care by some world-renowned doctors and specialists, doing some minor chemo to make sure they kick the cancer in the ass, and she's got a support system that LITERALLY spans the globe. I mean that. So keep going M....
I'm out.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Vicious Attack!!!!
Mean Rottweiler Plays With Kitten - Watch more free videos
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the HUMANNNNNNNNNITY!!!!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
A Legend of Voice Has Died...
Very sad. And I care because I have always harbored this secret fantasy of being a voice over dude some day, but I've always been....just been too...what's the word??
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A couple of cool videos...
This first video is from a recent train derailment in Oklahoma back on Aug 22. I was told about this video in a command class I'm taking. Just watch--there's not much else I can say about this other than, "HOLY CRAP!!"
This second video is actually sort of "special" to me. I think this particular fire happened about 4 years ago or so. I'm not real clear on the date. But it happened in Reno, Nevada. Not sure of the weather conditions during the fire, but it appears a couple of things were in favor of this being a BIG problem. One, the fire was somewhat wind-driven. Two, it was burning up-slope. And three, it helped that there were houses at the top of the slope with wood decks and wood facing. What's remarkable about this video is the speed at which it took off. Here in Orange County, we pride ourselves on a relatively fast response time for a major metropolitan fire department. Don't quote me, but our response time is somewhere in the area of 5 - 6 minutes from the time we pick up the phone and say "What's your emergency?" to the time our equipment first pulls on scene. In the big picture, that's a pretty good response time. This video doesn't necessarily tell EVERYTHING about the response time on THIS particular fire by the handling agency (Reno Fire Department), but in my somewhat semi sometimes professional opinion, I don't think a faster response time would have had much effect on this incident. I simply cannot believe how fast this first moves. It's a longer video--and I certainly don't revel in the destruction of someone's home--but from a scientific and fire behavior point of view, the video says LOADS about how crazy fire can be...check THIS video out (rated PG for mild cussing by the voice in the background, which is mild compared to what I probably would have said):
There you go...something NOT band or winter guard or drum corps related.
For once.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Give it up for Grandma...
Hilarity ensued. It's a very very cute little video, completely harmless.
DID I JUST REFER TO A VIDEO AS CUTE?!?!?! What the?????????????
Friday, August 22, 2008
A little funny for your fanny Friday, fanboy - Watch more free videos
Have a nice day!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Leave me the hell alone, Tom Cruise!!!

Oh, that's me on the podium...too far...let's see...1989....1990...cough cough...damn dust...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! went Back to the Future...good GOD....
Well...I guess I'll just have to talk about it.
Back in 1988...or thereabouts...maybe 1989...I was a student at CSULB. I was a music education major, really starting to get into the "biz" part of the pageantry arts by teaching and doing some writing, and still at the age of 22 living off of the generosity of my parents. I was SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY yet immaturely very much in love with an at-the-time rather prominent guard person whom I seriously worshipped and was probably just dangerously obsessed with (looking back that is--at the time...hell...I was happy). was pretty good. But there was (as always) something underneath the surface that was sort of buggin'. I don't know how to put it, other than it felt like an itch you couldn't quite get to. An unsettling little dam in the babbling brook of life (ok Turner...knock off the creative imagery--you SUCK!).
And I happened to come across one of these "Personality Tests" somewhere. Thought...ahhh...sure...let's do it. So I took it, then mailed it in to some place that had the word DIANETICS in it. They said they'd call with the results. Great. "Ring ring, Hello Mr. Turner, yes, we've called the authorities. You're a freak." What did I care? I was flying high in life at the time with the exception of this undefined itch, and I thought it would be cool to see if I can see what makes "The H." tick.
Get the call from a super nice person...COME ON DOWN...boy we'd sure like to talk to you about your results...blah blah blah. Next thing I know, I'm sitting with a "counselor" in a building in Tustin with the sign in front CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY. I'm thinking...mmmmmkay...don't know what this is about but fine. I'm game.
2 hours later, after being hoodwinked, uhhhh, I mean, "counseled" and having my first "audit" session as a "teaser" as to what Scientology could "do for you", I left there a little....what's the word?....freaked out. Apparently it wasn't what I was looking for. No harm, no foul. At the time, I was living with my good friend and prominent drill writer (and a person I give credit to for pointing me in the right direction) Dave Weinberg. He ends up getting married and I, being shy and bashful as I am (cough), had no friends. So I ended up moving back with mom and dad. Fair enough. It was cool. About 4 months after living there, my phone rings. "Ring ring, hellllllllllllllllllllllllooooo Mr. Turner, did you forget about us?" It was the Church calling. Strange. Why, I didn't tell them I was moving. I didn't even tell them I was interested. As a matter of fact, I didn't even know they knew I existed. It was the Pasadena branch of the "church" wanting me to start my "audits". Ahhhhhhh. Yeah. About that...uhhhhh, thanks but no thanks. This is where the phone call got a little interesting.
Them: "Wait a mean to tell me you don't want to learn how to be a better human?"
Me: "Uhhhh, except for the occasional tick in my eye and my penchant to eat too many cheeseburgers, I'm fairly happy and content."
Them: "But, it's the cheeseburgers we have to explore. Why do you eat so much?"
Me: "I'm thinking they taste good."
Them: "Noooooooo no no no...something happened in your past. We have to find out. And then we'll uncover so much more. And then you'll realize how much you actually SUCK AT BEING A HUMAN RIGHT NOW. SEE??? It's wonderful. Come on down."
Me: " did you get my number?"
Them: "It's not important. But just don't wear that blue shirt you have on right now."
ME: (looking around--IN MY HOUSE--for the camera) "You are freaking me out. Really though, I'm not interested."
THEM: (Tone getting a should I say...unfriendly??) "Oh come on, Ryan. You know you need us. Don't be scared."
--insert a note...remember in Back To The Future where Marty McFly gets called "yella" or "chicken", and it makes him all crazy? wanna bag on me, fine. Wanna insult me, great. Have at it. Wanna bring up how stupid I am? Whatever. I know this. BUT DON'T QUESTION MY BRAVERY. Seriously. It wigs my ass out. Back to the story--
ME: "I think hanging up now will be in my future...thanks for calling."
THEM: "something something blah blah blah blah but but but" click....boooooooooooo...dial tone. 1989, I believe I, Ryan H. Turner, was done with any further contact with the Church of Tom Cruise.
Fast forward to six months ago. In my mailbox, I start receiving, and I'm TRUTHFULLY not overexaggerating, a highly expensive almost DAILY bombardment of ads, brochures, letters, invitations and all asundry materials from the COS. Can I just type COS now for the love of all that is holy? Gee thanks...
I mean...A LOT OF STUFF. And these were ads and things for people that were OBVIOUSLY members of the church who were "high up" on their internal "ladder" towards becoming a superhuman (note: I had done some cursory research on the church once the internet exploded on the scene to see what exactly that church was all about...and it's pretty say the least....ahem...cough). So I'm thinking to myself:
1. If they were trying to "wooo me back" to the church, the stuff they're sending is totally wrong (from a purely marketing standpoint). I mean, this was superadvanced classes and books and stuff...not for the new guys.
2. If my name still appeared somewhere somehow in someway on some list that resurrected itself 20 years after the fact, then they must assume I've been around for 20 years and I'm already UP "the ladder". Follow me? Which then I thought...
3. These people are idiots.
But it was their dime, and there was nothing in the mailings that said "If you would like to stop receiving this crap, please call us at...". So--whatever. I just didn't open anything...threw it all away.
Fast forward to two weeks ago. I'm at work, The Warden at home. Phone rings. Warden answers. It's the COS, "looking for" Ryan H. Turner. My wife, already suspicious of me because of these mailings, thinking I'm going to turn into a disciple of Tom Cruise, calls me post haste at work. What are you going to do about this blah blah blah. Did my wife get a phone number to call the fine COS people back?
Therefore, my answer to her was...
NOTHING. I'm going to do nothing. If they call again, I'll talk to them. Or I don't know...this is a stretch honey bumpkin schnookums. HOW ABOUT GETTING A PHONE NUMBER FOR ME?!?!?
Then, the planets aligned themselves, and as I was struggling with a drill rewrite, the COS calls. Lo and behold, I'm home. So last week, I finally, after 20 years of not talking to them, speak to a VERY VERY nice young lady.
NICE LADY: "Soooooo Mr. Turner, how ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRE you?"
ME: "Grrr. What do you want?"
NL: "Well, we're just curious about your mailings we've been sending you."
ME: "Grrr."
NL: "Yes, well...uh,..."
ME: "Well, let's be honest. You guys are wasting lots of dough. I'm not interested in the church, and haven't been in about 20 years. So I'm curious as to how you got my address, and how the heck did you get my phone number, and why are you sending me stuff that's not for someone that's NOT a member of your organization."
NL: "Well these are fannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntastic questions, and I..."
ME: "And you will take my name of your mailing list and not call me anymore. Seriously. I'm not trying to be rude, believe me. But I'm simply not interested, and I really feel badly that you guys are mailing me what I can only assume are pretty expensive mailings. All I'm doing is throwing them away. Trust me."
NL: "Well thank you Mr. Turner, you do make a good point. (Here's where she tries to hook me...VERY VERY clever...she changes her voice and everything.) You know, I'm going to take care of everything for you. But I...I'm sorry Mr. Turner, but I just have to ask you something. You sound very intelligent (Bing bing bing bing), and you sound really nice (bing bing bing bing). I mean, to be concerned that we're wasting money is pretty cool. So thank you. But you sound sort of familiar with us, and I'm curious, why are you not interested in the church?"
ME: "Because I'm not. And I again really sincerely am not trying to be rude (note: I have GREAT potential to be VERY rude--I'm a 911 expert for crying out loud--and I truly was being Mr. Nice Guy), but my reasons are private. I'm not interested."
So anyway--the call ended very amicably, very polite, and I thought "HOLY CRAP!!!" Sincerely...see above those "bing bing bing bings"? Had I NOT been married, and had I NOT been grounded in life sufficiently in both temporal and spiritual matters, she could have hooked me. Seriously. As a matter of fact, and I'm just being honest, but her charm worked so well that I actually thought that "ohhh man, those Scientologists are pretty nice...that was cool...she was..." Than I hit myself. WTF was I thinking? No offense if you happen to be a Scientologist, but uhhhh. Well, YouTube ain't exactly showing the good side of your church nowadays (hint).
Was the matter done?
OH NO. No no no no...not by a long shot.
Last night, my phone rings. It's 9pm!!!!! A very nice sounding young man as polite as can be from the COS International Address Verification Center (I'm not lying!) called to confirm my address and phone number.
Stunned silence. Remember I said I can be rude on the phone. After 14 years of public safety experience, you learn how to be rather DIRECT on the phone to gain CONTROL of a call. That's what I've been trained to do. I had about 2 seconds to determine what my exact tact was going to be. Was I going to completely unload on this guy? Or was I going to be ultra cool and polite like I was with the previous caller from last week? Or?
I chose or. I was direct, and not friendly. But not rude. Polite. But direct. Very. Sort of like I'm typing. Now. See? You feel it don't you? SAY IT!!!
I said, "I'm sorry, but apparently you're mistaken. I don't need to verify my phone number with you since you ARE on the phone with me, and you DO have my address because you keep mailing your material to me. Now let me be abundantly clear. Take my name off of your list as I instructed the nice lady from last week. I do not want to get your stuff in my mailbox anymore. Are we good?" Boy that guy hopped right to it. "Yessssssss sir yes sir" and he was typing away (I could hear the clicking in the background), and he said, finally, after what sounded like he typed out a short novella on me, "Mr. Turner, I'm very sorry for the confusion. I actually just found the note from the person that talked to you last week. I missed that note. I will take care of this. Give it about 6 weeks before the mailings stop, ok? Just takes a little time to process." NO PROBLEM...thank you thank you...have a nice day, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah...and I hang up.
However, just like in a bad informercial....BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!!!!!!!
It's the COS International Blah Blah Blah...wanting to...YOU GUESSED IT! VERIFY MY PHONE NUMBER AND ADDRESS!!!!
So I said to myself: "Self, shall I unleash the hounds?"
And I answered: "I shall."
Poor guy. The last I heard was....and this is as close to a quote as I can get..."Uh uh uh, I, uh, oh, yes, ahhh, yes, I uh, yes, you don't, oh I see, yes, hahaha, I called you by mistake, my bad, ha, buh bye." Click. Boooooooooooo.
He hung up ON ME!
Ain't that just a....
Apparently I rattled the foundation on which my home rests as I read him the riot act to which he, as indicated above, stammered through an apology forthwith.
So there you go. And Tommy, if you're reading this, please, tell your peeps to lay off now. I'm not interested. And don't get me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. I command lots of people that can do bad things with hoses. :-)
I'm out...thanks for reading "As The COS Turns".
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Interesting couple of weeks...
--I have some research that I owe MYSELF about Obama. Don't want friends of mine to think I'm a complete ***hole and publish only half truths and what not about someone. Don't worry--it's in and amongst my list of "things to do".
--Went to a "product demonstration" of what is being referred to as "Next Generation 911". So all youz peoples out there that use your Crackberrys and iPhones and what not--and don't know how to dial 911...well guess what? The ENTIRE EMERGENCY TELEPHONIC INDUSTRY that supports my line of work is developing all new technology so instead of calling 911, you can just send me a video of a call, or a text message requesting help. Geeee...THANKS!!! Well my sarcasm notwithstanding, it sincerely IS a HUGE deal in the world of 911. I got to see two great products that deal with this, and I'm feeling like a really small fish in the big big big ocean of technology. But I'm learning...little by little. And if you're an OCFA ECC employee happening to read this, don't want to scare you. But changes are a'comin'. Probably not tomorrow. But next Monday for sure. :-) (I'm kidding...about the when that is...not the changes. Oh no...they ARE coming.)
--For all you band geeks and drum corps dorks, MUCH is happening in the world that I inhabit...the land of band stuff. My friend Jeff Pearson has stepped down as director of Santa Clara which shocked me at first, but then, realizing he actually has a life outside of drum corps, realized he's probably doing the right thing for his family which I know he cherishes. Other staff changes in the world of drum corps that are less shocking but one RUMOR that has reached me from a very reliable source that do I say this? Uhhhh...someone that bleeds green may be adding red to that green soon. I'll leave it at that. But IF this rumor is true, it may be even bigger news considering things.
--Speaking of potential of change, I had a chance to meet with some "principles" who are on the road to starting a new and exciting drum corps in the San Diego area. My main focus of our meeting yesterday was to "talk them out of this". I didn't do a very good job. LOL!! But, based on what was told to me, I had a hard time formulating reasons NOT to put together this group after what was told to me about a unique strategy for the organization, the infrastructure that has been quietly (and I mean QUIETLY) put into place, and the awesome potential that I see. So...perhaps I might be given the task of being their "squawk box" and being the town cryer to announce them into existence. But time will tell--I gave them a few things to chomp on over the next month, plus I owe them some other organizational things I have in my files to maybe help talk them out of this foolish Soon enough...but I'm at about an 80% "launch" chance in the next 30-45 days for this organization. Until then lips are sealed. I probably gave too much away already saying what area they're going to be from. And nooooooooooooooooo...this group has NOTHING TO DO with any previous organizations from the San Diego area. That was just in case any thoughts crossed anyone's mind...
--There's a certain band in a certain valley in Southern California that I have VIDEO RECORDED PROOF on my cell phone that is freakin' SCARY GOOD...on the 2nd day of band camp. Reports from this particular band camp is that the kids are "hyper focused" and are extremely hungry for success. Report received from person with 20+ years experience that he truly has NOT ever seen a situation like this, and wants to know if the city the school is in has had something put into the water supply. I would proof folks. I don't lie. Nor do videos.
--Went to an SCSBOA "field adjudication certification" seminar on Saturday. A little background...really little...after years and years and years of knocking on SCSBOA's door, I was FINALLY granted the right to be a visual performance judge 2 years ago. In the fall of 2006, I jokingly told the judge's scheduler to use me and abuse me. She did. Literally. In my rookie judging year with SCSBOA, I judged 13 shows all over southern California. I also (with one exception from a psychotic band director) received green sheets (the famous SCSBOA green sheet that directors can fill out after a show complaining or commenting on anything that happened...bad food, bad show hosts, bad judges) that actually COMPLIMENTED my judging. I only heard about it 2nd hand and never officially from SCSBOA, but that's what they do (not what I would do for sure), and there you go. First year with them was important to me, and I think I rose to the occasion. As a matter of fact, one school I judged has memorialized the tape I made for them at one of their shows, and I was told it was, in part, played for everyone at their band banquet a couple of years ago. EMBARRASSING but funny. ANYWAY (did I say this was going to be short...DAMMIT TURNER!!!), last season, because of a confluence of scheduling abnormalities and being affiliated with bands, I think I got....uuhhhhh...oh yeah. NO ASSIGNMENTS!!! Weird. I went from one end of the spectrum to the other. In the off season, there was a LOT of talk on and off line about SCSBOA judging (and the judges) not being adequete because there was no means for standardization and "training". SCSBOA assigned just-retired world famous band director John Vorwald to be the Judges Administrator for SCSBOA, and he/they came up with a "certification" procedure so that our judges are now "certified". I see the logic. And kudos to Paul Bluto who came ULTRA PREPARED for his visual certification seminar. With all due respect, I didn't expect much, and got a lot. Trent Newton, my old trombone section leader at Cal State Long Beach did a pretty dang good job of G.E. stuff as well. So why'd I talk about all of this? Because I got certified--I think--for visual, but they denied me for G.E., opting to use the old "you gotta be a band director to talk about it" reason, which of course is completely and utterly assinine as I am a professional show designer and a moderately successful musician who can speak intelligently to both music and visual aspects of a show BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I DO...but hey. I know...there's gotta be a line somewhere. And anyway, he did tell me if SCSBOA splits the G.E. caption into music and visual as seperate sheets, that I'll be "more than qualified" to do the visual effect caption. Gee...great. So...we'll see just how many assignments I get. There seemed to be a LOT of people at this event--and maybe SCSBOA won't be hurting for quality judges anytime this year like they have in recent years. We'll see--I still dig the judging thing. I'll be back in Illinois judging in September. VERY much looking forward to that.
--Last year, I was able to judge for MBOS. Earlier in my YEAR...I crowed about being able to share press box space with luminaries like the Dorrities, etc, etc. I loved judging for MBOS. I actually love MBOS in general terms. However, I have a sneaky suspicion I may not have been exactly what they were looking for. I remember having to be "talked to" about some of my scores being a tad inconsistent in terms of spread and "cause and effect" between subcaptions (which I truly did understand--just didn't realize the scrutiny factor was that high). I also got one "bad" comment (unknown if I got any good) from a director that was concerned I may have come across as sounding "mad" on my tape. I've been told that over the years in my teaching as well that due to my intensity of voice and passion for the activity, I get a little, ohhhh...high strung. It's NEVER mad. But it can be interpreted that way. ANYWAY...instead of getting any judging assignments with MBOS, I am announcing for them. So, at least I can help that way. It's just that when you've been announcing for what is it...25 starts to get a tad old. Especially when you're handed AIR GRAMS!!!!!! Don't get me started about THAT subject.....good LORD!
--Family is 5 month old Benjamin Wallace (sounds sort of like a basketball player's name...hahahaha...oh wait...that IS a basketball players name)

...laying there, all me the stink eye...ahhhh, to heck with it. I think I'll keep him around a little longer. Whenever I go out with him, he's a chick magnet!!
Other kids are fine...AND QUIET for the love of...
Friday, August 15, 2008
DCI The Cavaliers 2004 Program- 007
So...this is where drill design has come in about 20 years...the person that wrote this drill (for all you non-drum corps blog readers) is a freakin' GENIUS. Watch how things develop...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Another Phantom Wins Video....
BEDLAM. All the people you see running around hugging each other are staff members of Phantom Regiment.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Truly.'s the drill....
Heard from a friend from long-ago yesterday that put a gigantic smile on my face. And to think she reads this crap....thanks for "checking in" MYD (I don't know what to put to replace the "D", so you'll just have to go with it for now).
The drama at my workplace is pretty incredible as of late. I have found out something about me. As I have gotten older, and have had kids, and have gone through several "ringers" in my life where priorities become crystalized for me in ways I never would have been able to do by myself, I find "drama" in the workplace to be particularly irritating. I simply don't have time for it. But unfortunately, based on my title, apparently I can be irritated all day long because that's what happens in the workplace. ANY workplace. But boy, I'm tellin' ya. The day that people can approach a problem calmly, rationally, and by looking at the freakin' BIG PICTURE instead of the myopic "what's in it for me" way I've been seeing, it will be a GREAT day at the OCFA.
Pipe dream, Turner!! PIPE DREAM!!!
Well that's about it for now. Working on the closing production for a major band back in Illinois, and I'll get that posted up. In case anyone cares, I figured out what the sound issue was that I had with my previous clips of drill design. Had to do with the bit rate of the MP3 that I was using. It usually comes in 128 bit rate. I have to UPgrade that bit rate to 192 for my animation program to "hear it" so I can synch the music and the movement. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...I get it.
WTF is a bit rate?
See, I come from the days of turning on an amp, turning on a record player, dropping a needle, and OUT COMES THE FREAKIN' MUSIC. Now you have to have an AA in Computer Science to run your life anymore.
Ain't that the truth. Alright...that's about it. Oh more thing. You feeling adventurous? Go to my Facebook account...
It's like Myspace....but for adults. It's actually pretty cool. Sort of addicting. In a strange sort of way. I actually found my very first girlfriend who now works and lives in England of all places. Small world.
Alright...I'm out. You should be to.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
And then I grew up....
Me announcing...
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Here's more drill...
Monday, July 28, 2008
This is just wrong...but dang it...
I can't go to sleep until I share this...
I always feel like I have to set things up, hanh?
ANYWAYS...I joined Facebook and have been pretty amazed at the people that are signing up and becoming "my friend" through Facebook. TONS better than that swill called MySpace. But anyway--TODAY...out of the of the world's GREATEST trumpet players and I'm proud to say a friend of mine from WAY back, Tim Divers, became "my friend". COOOL! As per the custom on Facebook, you look at your new friends friends and see if you know any of THEIR friends, and then you ask them to be YOUR friend and so it goes. I personally think Facebook is setting us up to be the biggest Amway distributorship in the world--but that's another story.
So...I'm looking through Tim's friends, and find Rich Melville, my old commuting/drinking/partying/jazz band playing in friend. I send him a friend invite, next thing I know, he's commenting on that STUPID picture of me in that STUPID dog costume (see my Facebook account for more information), and of course, he brings up an inside joke between us that I hadn't thought of IN YEARS..."Beware the Zarconians." It's a complicated story I'll not bother you with... I do a little investigating on HIS profile, and find out that the sucker is living in GREECE, and is in a rockband that's fronted by Gene Simmons' younger brother Serge...well ok ok, I kid. Sure looks like a relative of Gene Simmons to me. BUT WHO AM I!!!?? So...without further ado...please, take a moment, as I introduce American citizens to the hit Greece rock/polka/death metal conglomerate known as...DICKEN'S ZOO!!!
:-/ least they aren't called The Zarconians.
(Just in case you think I'm being sarcastic, I personally think this is VERY cool to see Rich after all of these years....on Greek Greek. I knew he was talented...but this is IT!!! Oh...he's the sax player...)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
And now for a quick break...
THIS still gets to me--20 years after it happened!!! Now THAT'S staying power!!
Secondly--and I'm embarrassed for not verifying--but that freakin' link below does NOT work for CNN. So I have to do some research because I RELIED ON A SOURCE and I shouldn't have. So...worst case...maybe anonymous is right, and I'm regurgitating bad info about Obama.
SEE?!??!?! I'm reasonable, aren't I? I'm not rabid, and spitting and stomping and saying I'm right and you're wrong...but I am pissed at ME for not being better prepared.
I bet you'll see more info on this from me soon keeps people coming back to my blog, hanh? And to think--I'm not posting about marching band, drum corps, or the fire department!!!! LOL!!!
Why do I not like Obama?
But I guess MY biggest issue outside of this massive irrationality by my fellow Americans....or Germans for that the tax issue. I come from the land of "fruits and nuts" and am paying taxes for things that I think I don't really need to be paying taxes for. I'm lucky though I don't live in Los Angeles city proper. They're getting taxed--or about to be--FOR PLASTIC BAGS! Come on...please...but MY issue is pretty simple. We are being lied to by the people that should be working FOR US. Politicians CONTINUALLY tell us that we're "out of money" and we need to "increase revenues" (fancy pants talk for increase taxes--but that's not politically expedient to actually SAY increase taxes). They tell us that we need more taxes on gas, we need a toll lane on our freeways, that we need to do this, do that, pay here, pay there. ENOUGH!!!
If I am, as a halfway responsible American am to be able to live within my means, balance my checkbook, plan for my future, keep my finances straight, manage my household, and be "productive", well then DAMMIT ALL SO SHOULD THE POLITICIANS THAT ARE IN OFFICE!!! Our own state government, run by a has-been actor, is actually considering SLASHING THE PAY OF 200,000 CALIFORNIA STATE EMPLOYEES TO MINIMUM WAGE WITH A PROMISE TO PAY LATER WHAT THEIR NORMAL SALARY IS (RETROACTIVELY OF COURSE) BECAUSE THEY CAN'T FREAKIN' DECIDE ON A FREAKIN' BUDGET!!!! Wait a second. So...if I can't figure out MY budget, can I just go ahead and arbitrarily decide to stop paying my bills, and tell maybe Time Warner Cable or So Cal Edison or National City Credit "Hey--my wife and I are having some disagreement about our budget so I'll just get back to you with a payment when we get things figured out." That sounds like BULLcrap, doesn't it. That's EXACTLY what our politicians are telling us. BUT WAIT TURNER--what the heck does that have to do with taxes? Because these are the same knuckleheads that tell us they need MORE MONEY because they can't manage what they already have. See the vicious cycle?
I'm done with it. Really. We have a state infrastructure that is FAILING, and everyone is so racially sensitive that calling a spade a spade is so taboo that we FAIL in taking care of our OWN legal citizens. My roads wouldn't suck, my schools wouldn't suck, my taxes wouldn't be so high, my hospitals wouldn't be either closing or be FULL of people that can't pay if, ohhhhhh, I don't know...WE STOPPED ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION YA THINK!!!??? Human rights is one thing, sovereignty of one's country is another. And yeah...I know I just misspelled sovereignty. But you know what I mean. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo....
Why don't I like Obama? Read the following--now that you just read my rant:
You can verify much of this here:
Of course, you may have noted that Obama's position appears to be changing, so you will have to pay attention to see what his latest approach is at buying votes.
This is something you should be aware of so you don't get blind-sided. This is really going to catch a lot of families off guard. It should make you worry. Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General Election:
0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
28% on profit from ALL home sales
How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.
MCCAIN 15% (no change)
OBAMA 39.6%
How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends andcapital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.
MCCAIN (no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250
OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama, your taxes will more than double!!!!! How does this affect you? No explanation needed. This is pretty straight forward.
MCCAIN 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)
OBAMA Restore the inheritance tax.
How does this affect you? Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.
- New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet.
- New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)
- New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity)
- New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....
- New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!
I'm as you can see--if you actually took the time to read the above--that we are in for a rude awakening. That's why I say "Obama must be stopped". This is ridiculous. To think that we responsible Americans are being asked to give up more NOT for anything worthy, but because THEY can't manage what they have is simply tooooooooooooooooooo much to ask of me. I'm all about being fair and I'm all about being accountable. So if I HAVE TO should they...they being the very government servants that we voted in. If you want to vote for Obama, go ahead. Fine. If you have anything concrete you can hook on to when it comes to Obama other than pulling the troops out of Iraq (which incidentally will happen anyway), go for it. But for the reasons above, as well as his indefensible behavior and attitude towards the military on this recent roadtrip, I will NOT support him...and I will do what I can to STOP him.Legally of course.(Side note to my friend from Facebook...politics is a tricky thing to talk about, and I may seem overly fired up. But California is a ____hole compared to when you were growing up here. I have a little vested interest in my state and I'm sorry I get/got riled up. And believe me...5 years ago, I barely cared. But I do now.)
And by the way--just so I don't get "labeled" as ranting and raving right winging conservative, WHICH THANK GOD I'M NOT, I plan on in the next few days of releasing the hounds on John "I'm pissed off and I may have my finger on the nuke launch button soon" McCain. You think Obama is bad.
You ain't seen NOTHING yet.
Friday, July 25, 2008
If I said the following to you either here or in person, what's your FIRST response:
Barack Obama MUST be stopped.
Did you get a strange reaction right then? Did you think maybe I'm losing my marbles? Or I'm beginning to plot his demise? I'm not. But boy, the more I read and hear about this guy, the more I become seriously, seriously concerned about the very future of this country. I suggest you look into this if you care.
And I can't say with any sense of seriousness that McCain is all that great either.
I can't believe how political I've become in my old age. Amazing...check out my Facebook account, and apparently I've gone from the right to being a libertarian. And I didn't even know it. Actually, I'm not just a little libertarian. I'm a freakin' DYED IN THE WOOL libby.
Amazing...I bet my friend from high school, Jim Little, who was the first to teach me about political parties, is chuckling to himself.
Another day....
This is what gets me--the media is able to zero in on one tiny portion of a GIGANTIC picture and make this tiny portion THE ISSUE of the year. Stupid. STUUUUUUUUUUUPID. I will DEFINITELY be sharpening my fangs for a rebuttal should either newspaper go down the route I think they'll be going down. "Ohhhhhh Ryan, what would we do without you and your rebuttals!!?"
In other news--my wife and 3 children have left me. Yep...I'm without my family. Or my Fam Damily as we like to refer to ourselves. Anyway, they're getting on a plane and flying to Seattle to go see G'Ma and G'Pa. Fun stuff. Good for them. And then in August, we're having a "family reunion" of could possibly be considered the hottest spot on the planet during August. Yeah...LAS VEGAS. Geeeeeeee, let's have a reunion in August and go to the place where we can all spontaneous combust. Something about a timeshare condo deal that will make it all very very cheap. Sure. Cheap to house multiple piles of human ashes I'm sure.
In drum corps news...there is no news. Other than last night's seedings came out...
01 93.05 (3) - Blue Devils
02 91.60 (2) - The Cadets
03 91.25 (4) - The Cavaliers
04 90.40 (3) - Carolina Crown
05 89.90 (3) - Phantom Regiment
06 89.15 (1) - Santa Clara Vanguard
07 89.00 (2) - Bluecoats
08 86.00 (1) - Boston Crusaders
09 85.75 (2) - Blue Knights
10 83.40 (2) - Glassmen
11 82.90 (2) - Blue Stars
12 82.65 (1) - Crossmen
13 80.90 (1) - Colts
14 80.05 (3) - Spirit
15 79.70 (2) - Madison Scouts
16 78.55 (1) - Troopers
17 78.25 (3) - Pacific Crest
18 77.80 (1) - The Academy
19 75.45 (3) - Mandarins
20 71.15 (2) - Pioneer
I have seen a sum total of ZERO shows this year, although I did catch a run-through at a rehearsal by Pacific Crest in mid June. Blue Devils this year by all accounts is unbelievable with a show that is so unique and out of the norm that it's causing peoples' heads to explode. The next 6 corps are duking it out, and I'm very sorry to report that SCV is NOT doing what I hope it would do, and that's scare the crap out of everyone and turn on the afterburners. I have heard reports as I indicated yesterday that they have THE show this year, but it's a case of taking too big a bite, and the kids just aren't there yet. I LOVE SCV--and I only hope as I hope every year that they come out of the funk they're in and just WALLOP people. I've grown tired of Cadets pushing the envelope of what's acceptable in drum corps and tired of the Cavaliers. My other favorite corps, Phantom Regiment, whose "Spartacus" show is causing quite the stir what with a great hornline (as usual--16 CONTRAS!!--ohhhhhhhh my!), amazing drum line...AND KILLING SLAVES ON THE FIELD! You gotta love it. If SCV can't do what I want them to do, than I would bestow my desires with PR as my second favorite "spoiler" corps. But I'm thinking that Blue Devils are so far ahead of everyone that it's a foregone conclusion they'll take it. What I find sooooooooo refreshing and fantastic is Carolina Crown playing in the Top 6. Their hornline apparently is PHENOMENAL, which is understandable. When they did their "Angelus" show a few years back, they opened with a fanfare that had to me about 30 seconds of the VERY best brass sound I literally have ever heard on the field. It was comparable to Cavaliers 92 show at the end of "Waterloo" which I believe had the most in-tune major chord on G bugles I had ever heard up to and ever since!! It just SMACKED you in the face, and it was LOUD--but it was loud because it was IN TUNE!!! Anyway--I know by now any fire department people reading this have long since passed out from boredome--that's the drum corps scene for now.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh yeah...there's Open Class to worry about too. I don't have much to talk about them other than I was SORELY disappointed to hear that Gold from Hawthorne, California was NOT going back to Nationals. THAT SUCKS!! I've been a fan of Gold's because they are a "model" of what drum corps CAN be, and that's an organization that receives support and funding from a school district. Interesting--something I've squawked about up on Drum Corps Planet as being a viable way to possibly start MORE corps giving MORE kids an opportunity to have what I had when I was in corps back in the mid-80's.
HOWEVER...and this is a BIG however...I've squawked about regionalization before regionalization became a buzz word in drum corps circles. I cannot for the life of me understand why an organization, Drum Corps International to be exact, would expect drum corps' to do gigantic national tours that are very very expensive and man-power INtensive. To get a group of 128-150 performers across the country to play at shows almost every night or every other night is a MONUMENTAL undertaking. When I was in Velvet Knights, we would leave the 2nd week of July, and finals would be the THIRD WEEK OF AUGUST!!! I was on the road for 6 weeks...and that was AFTER what we called "first tour" which was a California/Arizona and sometimes New Mexico "leg" to start the season off. Of course, gas was cheap. And DCI HAS done the "right thing" by decreasing the summer season and having finals the first weekend of August. BUT here's Turner's plan for regionalization that would provide PLENTY of performance opportunities for corps, AND still have a World Championships.
You start by dividing the country back into 4 quadrants. DCI-Pacific (California, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, Utah, New Mexico, and Idaho), DCI-South (Texas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Carolina-both, Oklahoma, Louisiana), DCI-Central (from Nebraska to Minnesota, down to Missouri, Kansas, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa), DCI-East (Tennessee, Virginia, the east coast and north east). I won't break down the number of corps in each quad, but my cursory overview says that there's MORE than enough in each quadrant. Within those quadrants, you will have WEEKEND SHOWS ONLY for the first 4 weeks of the season, starting in June, and going until the middle of July. During the last two weeks, you have a "regional championship", with semis and finals, and whoever makes finals, will qualify for a national tour. During the next 2 weeks, those "qualifiers" than go on a "national tour" with maybe not so many shows, but BIGGER shows, ending with a national championship that will only have the very best in a simple, 2 day, semi final and final format. Allow the regions to be in effect the "quarterfinals", and take the financial pressure off of the corps to HAVE to go on a national tour only to do what? GO TO QUARTERS? That's silly.
I think my plan will also open the gates to allow MORE corps to be created because they won't have the huge cloud over their heads of national responsibilities, and give them obtainable, realistic, and WORTHY goals of going to their REGIONAL championships.
This is a bare bone idea, and no, I haven't scoped it out more. But in the parallel universe of all-age corps, Drum Corps Associates (DCA), where weekend shows ARE the norm, they are having an influx of new corps being created, there is FUN in the circuit, they're getting crowds, and's all about entertainment and competition, right? PLENTY of that in DCA without the huge financial burdens. Quality may not be at DCI level, but it sort of proves the notion that there's a strong fan base for good quality FUN drum corps that DOESN'T require the continual pushing of visual and musical envelopes.
So saith The H, so shall it be. I wonder if Dan Acheson reads my blog?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I am VERY happy to report...
I love you Shakey's. Thank you for not giving in to the gooey massive messes like Domino's and Pizza Slut's. And thank you....oh GOD thank you...for keeping those Mojo's!!!
You haven't lived until you've down a few of those...
Ron Hoar, Drum Corps, and FIRES!!!!
I'm sort of a "social butterfly" and I love to talk to other people, especially about their own dispatch centers or work places. OCFA, while nowhere perfect, sure looks better to me when I do these type of assignments. We really do have our act together in many respects. Amazes me some of the crap that people put up with in their own departments. But everyone and every organization has a hill to climb, hanh? I know we do. And please, for any fire department folks reading this, I do NOT speak from lofty heights. I'm just acknowledging that I'm in a good place.
So...who is Ron Hoar? Ron was a world famous band director here in southern California. He was an ex-Marine, and started (if I'm not mistaken) the Arcadia High School Apache Marching Band in 1959. For people that read this that may not know the significance of this, Arcadia is probably one of the most successful and currently largest marching band in all of the country--if not definitely California. People in the world of marching band judge the "success" of bands usually by equating placement at "Grand Nationals" at the annual Bands of America band orgy in Indiana. I don't. And Arcadia doesn't either. ANYWAY, I'm feeling like I'm about to tangentasize. Ron started the band and created a POWERHOUSE band--using his skills learned in the military, he made Arcadia practically unbeatable on the street for many years. That tradition continued after he left the school in 1973, and does so now with a great director (and lucky to say a FRIEND of mine) Tom Landes.
Another long-time friend and legendary band director in southern California, John Hausey (yes to all my old Pasadena High School Marching Band cronies that read this--yes...THAT John Hausey), is married to a composer, Collette, who was commissioned to write a march in honor of Ron Hoar who passed away a few years ago. I'm just overjoyed that a man of Ron's stature and accomplishments is being honored in this way. I was able to work with Ron at Pasadena City College back in the 80's and early 90's, and I was fortunate to be able to learn a lot from him. If I had ever jumped into the deep end of the band directing pool, I would have used HIM as my mentor and model. So...good job to John and Collette...and here's to you Ron...I'm sure you're in heaven trading war stories with Truman Crawford!
DRUM CORPS!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh that wonderful wacky world of drum corps. It's just amazing how every year, things are new, yet, still the same. This is the first season in about 20 years that I was not able to announce ANY drum corps shows at all--and it's been VERY strange to say the least. Carolina Crown is bumping up against the big boys, recently beating Phantom Regiment and Cadets, and beating the Blue Devils IN MUSIC!! Gooooooooooood GRIEF!!! They are an amazing organization. One of my favorite drum corps, Academy from Arizona, for some reason is languishing and not nearly as good as last year, if scores were to be my guide. I haven't had the pleasure to see them this year, and I hope this is just a blip. They have an amazing staff (except for one person...grrrr....) and I hear that the music is absolutely hellaciously DIFFICULT this year. Santa Clara Vanguard, really and truly my most FAVORITE corps on the planet, is also having a tough time getting all pistons firing this season. By all reviews, it sounds like 80% of the show is absolutely kick ass, and the remaining 20% is like an after-thought. I'm friends with their Program Coordinator, Mike McCool. I think I'm gonna have to bug him for some info. He's a genius. He's usually calm under pressure. Maybe he knows something.
Another juicy bit of news...I got an email from a friend who shall remain nameless that is, if I'm reading this right, starting a ball rolling for the creation of a new drum corps. Why he wants to talk to me, I have no idea. But as soon as I'm able to actually TALK on my phone (difficult to do where I am versus typing), I will find out what's happening.
Well...that's just about it from here. Hope all is well out wherever you are. And thanks for reading...I will try to update more as I now know the secret of getting on the internet where I am in my bunker. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha...
Now get outta here.