Thursday, November 29, 2007
Just a TAD jealous...but only a tad...
Anyway, I've been a long-time listener to KFI 640, more STIMULATING talk radio. Have been around long enough to have listened to the old Mother Love show, Joe Crummy, "Combover Boy" Tom Leykis (yes--he used to be on KFI a long time ago), Laura Schlessinger (before she was famous and was on at NIGHT), Dr. Ruth (YES!!! HER!!!), Scott and Neil (would have been good had they just stayed together!!!), Karel and Andrew!!!, oh my gosh--I'm a talk show geeeeeeeeeek--Stephanie Miller (KFI's lone liberal, but MAN she was funny!!), Mr. KFI, Phil Hendrie, Marcia Clark, blah blah blah. Anyway...have been such a fan of talk radio that I've been known to call in several times over the years. But I've never ever been a GUEST.
Well...I'm just a tad jealous of my friend Jon Dumitru who I have talked about on this blog before. His blog is great, and he's actually the one that motivated me to start my own blog and has had the duty over the last 2 years to make sure I update this on a regular basis. LIKE ANYONE CARES!!! Anyway, he's a city council member for the city of Orange as well as the Mayor Pro Tem, and he's been at the center of an issue that otherwise SHOULDN'T be news but because our society is hell bent on making sure we're politically correct about everything, it HAS turned into an issue. In any event...Jon was a GUEST on the John and Ken Show yesterday afternoon...and in case you want to listen to this friend of mine of 14 years, who yes, spent $20 of his own hard earned money and had a "money dance" with me at my wedding in 1995...go to:
Anyway--good job Jon!! And while I'm at it...I might as well make sure I'm abundantly clear about where I stand on "illegal aliens". Package it in any form you want to, call them whatever you like (migrant workers, undocumented immigrants, whatever), make them to be the martyrs all you want....I say ROUND THEM ALL UP, AND DUMP THEM ON THE CAPITAL STEPS OF WASHINGTON DC AND SAY "YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU DEAL WITH THEM!!!!!!!!!!!" No no no...wait a second...we can't depend on our Federal Government for much of anything anymore, so let me restate my goal. Round up all the illegal aliens, and DEPORT THEM BACK TO THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN and show them the LEGAL way to enter our country. And while we're at it, actually FOLLOW FEDERAL LAW and CRIMINALLY CHARGE COMPANIES that hire illegal aliens. Just as Jon said on his guest appearance yesterday--you CUT OFF THE SOURCE OF THE MONEY, and they'll go away. Trust me. They'll go away.
It's sort of like gas prices that everyone and their mother bitches about. You want to spend less on gas?? STOP DRIVING SO MUCH!!!! Real easy.
I'm out
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Uhhhhhhhh...I'm speechless
(Special note to Pat Seidling...don't EVER put out an ad like this!)
No good will come of this...none a'tall
If you ever see or hear two cats doing this, I would highly suggest leaving the room, possibly the house, or even consider going to a different city. No good can come of this behavior.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Ya think police pursuits would come to a grinding halt??
Friday, November 16, 2007
Oh I went and did it now...
--The chick that plays the "love interest" in the movie...yeah...good ol' what's her name. Very memorable. Other than the fact that she was clearly about 30 years old, and NOT a high schooler, she spent every seen looking like she was just waking up. Her emotional stretch in the movie was to cry--but only a little bit--when Bumblebee was getting pwned by the Section 7 numbnuts. Which, a scene in and of itself, was supposed to create an emotional stretch for me as I was supposed to feel sorry for the poor underdog Bumblebee. The only thing I needed to stretch was my back--it was sore. There was NO bonding between me the viewer and Bumblebee.
--Bumblebee. WTF. You have Megatron, BoneCrusher, Star Scream, Ironhide, Optimus Prime...and Bumblebee. Do I need to point out the obvious?
--Michael Bay sucks. If you get past the explosions and quick cuts, there's this little thing in movie making called continuity. I could never, for the freakin' life of me, figure out the "timing" of things. His movies are so disjointed timewise that you're wondering "How the hell did the sun go down so fast?!?!?" Case in point. The Mitwicki/Nitwicki whatever lead charter played by LeBouf whatshisputz goes to a "party" in a park in his car with a nerd friend, who thank GOD IN HEAVEN is only in THAT scene. Sun is CLEARLY up. CLEARLY it's day time. Hot chick who becomes love interest storms away, he goes and picks her up, there on a road, and seemingly he's going to take her home. Next thing we see, the sun is just beginning to wane, BUT AMAZINGLY THEY SHOW UP ON A DIRT ROAD ON A HILL WITH A TREEEEEEEEE!!! For God's sakes. WHY?? HOW??? Anyway, the car spurts and stalls and you have the famous "hood scene" as LeBouf is practically salivating and oogling the 30 year old high school senior who is checking out his engine. Scene lasts about 4 minutes (too long) and the next thing you see is them driving away from this hilltop spot as the car miraculously begins to work and he continues is gallant ways and takes her home. Assuming of course they were in the same city, the NEXT shot is him pulling up to her house, as if HOURS had passed--it's TOTALLY night time, and I'm making a big damn deal about this because it ties in to what the broad says as she gets out of the car. "Well, I had fun today..." FUN!??!?!?!!? Fun doing WHAT????? You looked at his engine and got a ride from a dorky nerd. That sort of non-sequiter crap is sooooooooo Michael Bay. He must be sitting back and say "JUST GET TO THE EXPLOSIONS PART!!! HURRY UP!!! I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS WHAT THEY SAY!!!!"
--The "cube" is of extreme importance to the Autobots and Decepticons. Fine. Bumblebee is, as the underdog should, able to be saved from the Section 7 dips and led to where this giant building sized cube is. He/IT puts his/its hands on the cube, and magically, it Rubik's cubes itself down to a loaf of bread size box. Fine! I CAN BUY THAT. But uhhhh...I'm not a scientist, but I'm thinking if this cube fell out of space, which it did, and landed deep in earth, which it did, than I'm thinking it ways more than a few pounds, right? Right. Let's pretend it way a ton. 2000 lbs. This thing "transforms" and folds and rotates down to the size of a box. Shouldn't that box weigh a ton???? I didn't lose mass, right? Just volume. Krikey.
--Why give the stupid cube to a stupid dorky human to run about 20 miles to some stupid building to hand off to the military while two Autobots run defense for him. I would have just said, "Uhhhh, Ironhide, you're the one with the freakin' bazooka hands, YOU TAKE IT." It was DUMBEST plot device I had ever seen in a movie. If it was soooooooooo stinking important, what the hell is human running around with it. Not to mention the shot they showed of the building to take it to was approximately 1 block away, but the nerdy kid seemed to run from here in Brea to Abileen freaking Texas. JUST GET TO THE BUILDING ALREADY.
They filmed part of the movie in Pasadena. The school exterior shots were of Marshall Fundamental on Allen Ave near my dad's house, and it's where my grandfather was a coach and teacher back in the 30's and 40's. The car lot where Bernie Mac sold the Camaro (Bumblebee) is on Lake Ave, just south of Eliot Junior HS. Oh yeah--and part of the pursuit in the first part of the movie was filmed in downtown Pasadena, specifically on Oakland St. just south of Colorado by the First United Methodist Church, which you can clearly see in the background. I know the homes in the neighborhood are of Pasadena Gamble house Mission style Craftsmen blend. I am geeking out here, hanh?
Anyway...there you go. My take.
Oh wait--one more observation.
--John Turturro...sometimes critics will politely say about an actor "...he really chewed up the scenes" or "...was really over the top". For Turturro in Transformers, his acting was so bad that the previous two descriptions fall FAR SHORT of what TRULY described his embarrassing take on being a "man in black". Yikes. I feel better.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Rules of conduct...
Some guy named Tim O'Reilly coined the popular term "Web 2.0". If you want to know more about him, Wiki him. I don't provide links. Do it yourself. In any case, he is a blogger. I guess he, for whatever reason (ohhh I don't know--maybe to stop the phone calls????????????) came up with a Bloggers Rules of Conduct...and they are as follows...
--Take responsibility not just for your own words, but for the comments you allow on your blog.
--Label your tolerance level for abusive comments.
--Consider eliminating anonymous comments.
--Ignore the trolls.
--Take the conversation offline, and talk directly, or find an intermediary who can do so.
--If you know someone who is behaving badly, tell them so.
--Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in person.
That's pretty basic stuff. I especially take to heart the first and last rules. But apparently I didn't take it to heart while, in the heat of posting my last post and with a lot of angst and incredible amounts of stress and self-loathing, I typed some comments that, well, NOT TO ME but to others were construed as beneath me and angry or whatever. This isn't the first time this has occurred. For WHATEVER reason, and I don't know still exactly what its about, but this STUPID FREAKIN' BLOG gets to people.
So...I'm going to go back now and dumb down what I said before. If anyone was tweaked about what I wrote before, my most sincere and humble apologies for having a freakin' opinion. I'm sure the fate of whatever course is set for any "thing" or "group" I referenced will not be in the least affected nor downgraded nor smitten by this one fat guy's OPINION. (breath Turner) I'll "temper" my words in such a way so that I'll only reference things in the most bland and oblique ways so as to not cast ANY negative light whatsoever, even if said negative light was in fact FRUSTRATION BASED BECAUSE I COULDN'T FIT INTO WHAT I WAS DESCRIBING BEFORE DUE TO MY LACK OF WHATEVER--CALL IT ABILITY--LACK OF PATIENCE--LACK OF VISION--YOU NAME IT, IT WAS MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY FAULT.
(see?? oblique wasn't it????)
Can I just make a suggestion?. Please don't read this blog anymore. It's just going to get really boring from here on out. Really. Because sensitivity is just at an all time high in the world. I mean, if Santa Claus can't even say "Ho Ho Ho" because he might offend WOMEN (uhhh...yeah, true story...Google it, I don't do the link stuff very well), or newscaster can't call a rape suspect HISPANIC because, GOD FORBID, it's a racial profile, than WHO THE HELL AM I to think that I can speak candidly about MY frustrations and reference those things in my life that are...uh....FRUSTRATING. I'll just talk about happy things, and post links to funny videos, and put cute pictures of my two kids, and Skip To My Lou and Tu Ra Lu Ra Lu Ra.
Meanwhile, I'm going to go to Ebay after I finish doing my Mr. Nice Guy Dumb Down Edit and see if they have any thick skin for sale.
I believe some need it.
Bah ####ing humbug.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Random thoughts...
--For those that don't know my family very well, I have two older brothers. One is 10 years older than me and lives with my dad in Pasadena and is basically his caretaker. My other brother is 6 years older than me, has Down Syndrome, and lives in a residential care home. His health is starting to become a concern. More news to follow as soon as I hear anything.
--I love my children very much. But I am SO scared for them. This world around us is just getting worse and worse.
--Judged on Saturday at Riverside King HS for a Marching Band Open Series show. Just amazing to me and probably to noone else on the planet, but I was on top of the pressbox judging with the legendary Frank Dorrite and his wife, Shirley. They both judged ME back in the mid 80's when I was with VK. Frank is a GRAMMY AWARD WINNING MUSICIAN for God's sakes, and here I was sharing a table with him. He's just sooooooo cool. And his wife is hilarious. And on the panel was Mike Rubino--LEGENDARY. And my old trombone section leader from Cal State Long Beach Trent Newton who ended up being the band director at Valley View HS in Moreno Valley and who I ended up writing drill for back in the mid 90's (only to lose the position to this other drill designer guy...MYRON ROSANDER!!!....who incidentally, is my idol!! But them's the breaks in the biz, my boy...). Anyway...I see things like this and it makes me chuckle. The same people I used to look up to, and I'm standing NEXT to. Sort of surreal for me. Almost like "TURNER, how the HELL did you get HERE?!?!? Shouldn't you be somewhere else????" Freud's probably flipping in his grave right now blaming it on my mom!!
--Watched my wife perform last night in an Interfaith Choral Festival down in Irvine. Choirs from all different religions performed. Pretty cool actually. Then the mass choir at the end got together and sang a song directed by the head dude of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He flew down from Utah especially for this performance. Interesting. He was whisked away as he barely finished conducting the piece because he had to fly to New York for an early morning meeting. Cool guy. Crazy. But cool.
--Nyleen still sick but managing things FAR better than with the previous kids. Good job. Apparently during the concert last night my yet-to-be-born son was using my wife's bladder as a kickboxing practice pad. But boy could my wife hit those high notes!!!! :-)
--This has been a very odd year in the world of pageantry activities. Odd. Very odd. Couple of the schools I wrote for are EXTREMELY successful, another one I wrote for SHOULD be successful but is not catching a break, my availabilities sucked for SCSBOA to judge, managed though to work with Marching Band Open Series (the new judging circuit kid on the block) by announcing AND judging for them (but not at the same time--I'm good, but not THAT good), learned Pyware and was able to design all of my shows on Pyware this year, made a decent amount of extra income this year with the design business....but strangely....something was missing. I can't put a finger on exactly what it was. I can theorize though. I had a VERY rough spring writing writing for 3 corps. I bit off WAY more than I could chew. And no fault to the organizations I was with because I can't imagine they did anything remotely wrong at all, I think I really really shot myself in the foot trying to be too much to too many people. Coupled with a promotion (and the fact I had to wait for a LONG time--no offense meant to ANYONE associated with the OCFA, past, present OR future), I think my stress level was/is at a point where I'm probably not as "happy" as I have been. I've always viewed my involvement with marching band, winter guard, and drum corps in the summer as an "outlet" to get "away" from the Fire Department. Call it balance. This year--not so much. And I was particularly testy with some people that normally I'm not testy with, but on the other hand, I think there were some really @*&@ing stupid things done as well. So all of that being said...I'm definitely taking the spring off. I'm taking a break from any FORMAL involvement with any drum and bugle corps for the spring because corps have enough on their plate than having to deal with a loser like me, I informed one of my best friends in the whole world that (nothing personal--even though I can't help but think now that it was taken personally, but that's what I get for expressing an opinion) I needed a break this spring, and I need to concentrate and get ready for H3, debuting in March. Wait...did I just offend my wife by referencing my soon-to-be born son as H3? I better check.
--It's called balance. And I need to balance things out. For the first time in about 10 years, financially, while far from being perfect and debt free, we have made some MAJOR MAJOR strides in getting ourselves out of debt and trying to be somewhat frugal at the same time, but COMFORTABLE. Hahahaha. We could do so much more, but somehow--we're doing it anyway.
--H3. If I'm so scared for my two kids I already have, what am I doing bringing a third one into the picture? Who knows. I hope he gets born with a few extra layers of skin. He may be hearing my opinion at times. God forbid.
--Heroes. Watch it. Good stuff. Well...mostly good. Hiro Nakamura sort of grates on my nerves. But good TV. And I don't usually say good TV. And I saw the pilot for the next "24" season. Can't say I jumped out of my chair in ecstasy, but, the writers somehow know how to get me wrapped up. We'll see how it goes. Side note--I'm a HUGE FAN of putting TV series on DVD's. I've watched all 6 seasons of 24 and the first season of Heroes. I can't begin to tell you how much I love NOT having to sit through inane and juvenile commercials that insult my intelligence--what little I have. I HIGHLY recommend it.
That's it from the random thought department. Nothing too funny, nothing too profound, sort of blah actually, but that's sort of how I feel. Perhaps I need to start drinking Monsters again to get my spark back. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...
Thanks for reading. off with you.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Pretty horrendous last 2 weeks...
Fast forward to 2 weeks ago. The amount of mutual aid that we received for our major campaign fire was substantial to say the least--ONLY AFTER OUR GREAT CHIEF GOT ON LOCAL MEDIA AND SAID, "Hello!!!!!!!!! We're going to lose homes if we don't get help!!" Just as my friend Jon said on his blog, we were essentially fighting our fire alone with just our units and some much needed (and appreciated) help from MetroNet Fire (for those that have no clue what I'm talking about, MetroNet is a dispatch agency that dispatches for Anaheim, Orange, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Huntington Beach and Newport Beach and is the coordinator for the independent fire departments like Laguna, Santa Ana, and Brea). In any event, all political posturing aside for a moment, once the calvary arrived, BOY did it arrive. We lost homes (24???), which is NOTHING like what happened in other areas of southern California. But we could have had some major problems if not for two things...
First, the AMAZING job of our dispatch/command center. Sometimes as a group of people we can get just about as "dysfunctional" as any family can, but I'm telling you, there were people in our center that were making some major sacrifices for the team. I can't begin to tell you the plethora of things that happened, but "team work" was the word, and we rose to the occasion. I'm VERY proud to be part of the OCFA ECC.
And secondly, and even more amazingly, the performance of our guys out in the field. There were people out there I heard yelling in their radios that I consider friends of mine, and you don't know "stress" until you hear panic in the voices of those you consider not only your friends, but HEROES in the fire service. I had to make a recording of the famous "burnover" that occurred where thankfully, none of our guys was hurt. But the Battalion Chief that was the main person in command of this and who I respect a great deal--I could it hear it in his voice, and it's tough for me NOT to put on the shoes of someone else and I could feel his frustration and fear during his radio transmissions. Everything worked out and I'm grateful--but a huge salute to the BC in charge of this emergency when it happened.
I don't know if 2007 will be worse that 2003, or 1993 for that matter, but I will tell you this. I can truthfully say in my 14 years of working, this was really my first MAJOR campaign fire. I've worked big ones before (Antonio Fire, Blackstar 1999, the December USFS screw up, the jet crash, etc), but this was bigger than I ever thought we could get.
In other news--
- I had lunch with a big name drum corps guy this past week that I'm not going to advertise WHO it was. But I will say that it's someone who knows how to produce a Top 3 drum corps, and fancy that, knows a WHOLE LOT ABOUT A LOT OF OTHER THINGS. Get this--he wanted to "pick my brain" about the southern California band and corps scene. Step right up brother--you picked the right guy.
- Wife is still sick and not doing well. Pregnancy--in a word--SUCKS.
- Announced a show last week and had a VERY nice and sort of long chat with another big name in drum corps, Frank Dorritte. Man this guy is 61 and is just AMAZING. We talked a lot about the direction of drum corps, about this whole amplification and narration business, etc, etc. And guess what? He may address something I actually told him about in his next column.
That's about it--just wanted to check in. Special thanks to Jon for doing a great job with the photos and narrative on his blog.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Fires to the left of me...fires to the right of me...
A fire broke out at Santiago Canyon Road at Silverado Canyon Rd, and fanned by constant 40mph northeast winds with gusts to 80+, it quickly spread and became what you have all read about in the news. When an event occurs like this, activity level in the Command Center goes off the charts. Obviously. We get innudated with 911 calls, we need to dispatch units, we need to set up a system to monitor the big incident and try to not let it impact the day-t0-day incidents that still occur (like medical aids and traffic accidents and what have you) it becomes very chaotic in a very very short amount of time. It's akin to going from 0-60 in about 2 seconds.
In any event, along with a crack staff of dispatchers and supervisors that REALLY REALLY rose to the challenge and performed extraordinarily well and showed some great teamwork for the most part, we got through this disaster. But what's sort of (darkly) funny is what happened when our Santiago Fire was REALLY cooking. Here's a copy of the email I just sent to the dispatch staff here--should be self-explanatory:
Thought this might be interesting—
So, while the end of the world was occurring in Santiago Canyon and the flames were literally at our door (LITERALLY—go look at the landscape along the 261), we began receiving tons of reports of a fire—A REALLY BIG FIRE—on the Ortega [Highway] and in the hills above San Clemente. At this point in the game, I pretty much threw my hands up in the air and said to myself, “Nice knowing ya San Juan Capistrano!” because all we had I think left in our inventory was a patrol, a 1948 Le France [Fire Engine], and some guy on a horse with a fire extinguisher. In any event, I was in constant contact with Chief Dave Pierce who resides in Dana Point, as well as Camp Pendleton Fire dispatch. A sample of one of our calls is as follows:
Chief Pierce: Hey Ryan, so uh, do you know about the fire in the hills above San Clemente?
Me: San Clemente? That’s one of our cities?
Chief Pierce: Well uhhhh, yeah, it’s about to NOT be one of our cities. You are aware of the fire, right?
Me: Just a second Chief, I’m almost at the end of the internet. Just two seconds.
Chief Pierce: Uhhhh, so, uhhhh, not to be an alarmist but…uhhh…you are aware of the fire that is currently bearing down on the city of San Clemente, is that right?
Me: Fire, schmire…Camp Pendleton is burning up. Don’t worry, be happy.
Little did I know, Chief Pierce was reporting pretty much what you see in the enclosed picture, so hence, his right to be a TAD nervous…as well as the right of the 13,257 people from the city of San Clemente who, nervously, called me asking just how far should they evacuate to, or should they just jump into the Pacific.
So this shot is from Dana Point looking "south" to San Clemente (blinking lights in the hills) and to the fire (big mushroom cloud looking thing from behind the mountain). VERY scary picture, and in all seriousness, even for seasoned fire professionals, can make your heart race quite a bit. Chief Pierce, who has told me he is an infrequent reader of my stupid blog, is one of our Assistant Chiefs and a former "boss" of mine as he used to be the Battalion Chief of the Command Center many moons ago. Great guy and I'm sure he doesn't mind the creative liberty I took with the phone call example above...RIGHT CHIEF!?!? CHIEF!?!? RIGHT?????
Another HUGE component of this fire that is sort of being lost in the media frenzy and the political "finger pointing" is the one simple fact...we had high temps, high winds, and no humidity. In other words, the ABSOLUTE WORST in conditions. To me, and in my experience, you could have had 400 fire engines lined up in a row, 4 firefighters on each engine, each person holding a 2 inch hose hooked up to the most powerful pump with a never-ending source of water, and they STILL would have had significant problems trying to control this fire or ANY vegetation fire in these conditions. In the fire service, we use a term used on structure fires called "going defensive". That means the fire is too overwhelming for the equipment and personnel on scene, and instead of trying to go into a fire and putting it out, we pull back and protect things that HAVEN'T burned yet from burning (like other buildings for instance). In the case of a wildfire like what we had (and granted, I may not be an expert in fire behavior), I highly doubt anyone would disagree--you don't stand a chance in putting the fire stand a greater chance protecting life and property that are in the way of the fire. You evacuate, you set up a defensive line, you protect your firefighters and save the houses as best as you can. What the media will have you believe, for example (classic example--I HEARD IT PERSONALLY), is something like "...and while houses burned, firefighters drove by and didn't even put water on the flames." Well...NO KIDDING. When a fire of such magnitude is burning so hot, and so fast (case in point--the Witch Fire in Rancho Bernardo), you can barely keep up with the progress of the fire. Burning embers, high winds, high quickly becomes overwhelming. And firefighters do NOT need to be losing their lives putting out a house fire. Homes can be rebuilt. case you're wondering about how the media MAY spin this, just remember...conditions this past week, in a word, SUCKED.
Another component that hits me in BOTH of my "worlds" if you will (band geek stuff and fire stuff) is that one of southern California's best marching bands, Rancho Bernardo HS, had I believe about 15 kids whose homes were destroyed. That's absolutely heartbreaking. I'm not sure if any kids from Poway HS or Mt. Carmel HS lost homes--haven't heard. I sure hope not. I think Ramona HS and Fallbrook HS (both with band programs) also had kids that lost homes.
OK...enough fire stuff. Now on to important matters.
Remember...H3. Debuting in March. Well--there's a bit more to the story.
We need names. For HIM. Yep. HIM. I was hoping for a girl, but, I'm good with a boy! It's just that my Michael Ryan at 3 is running me freakin ragged, and I'm like already 65 years old or something!!! :-) The Warden is still sick but hanging tough. We're hoping she doesn't come down with that crappy toxemia which has dogged her the last two kids. That's the LAST thing we need is her being put on mandatory bed rest.
Other news...interesting phone call from a band director in Illinois, wanting to tap into the comic genius that apparently I'm equated with because of my involvement with the Velvet Knights. We'll see how this pans out. Has great potential. We shall see.
Interesting email received a couple of days ago by a big name in the drum corps world that wants to meet with me for lunch this week. His email was rather implicit--SOON was what he said. Hmmmmmm...always an adventure in the life of Ryan, eh? We shall see.
Onwards and upwards...going now to start my day here at the OCFA. I'll leave you with this pic, taking at long range, of me announcing at the Rose Bowl on Friday, August 9th, for the Kingsmen Alumni Corps performance at Drum Corps International's semi finals before a crowd of about 10,000 - 12,000 people. Notice the sunburn. I had been announcing that day at Pasadena City College so I was out in the sun, and sunblock did little for me apparently.
And no...that's not a mumu. It's my lucky Hawaiian shirt.
Now get outta here!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Hi everyone--I'm back...and boy oh boy...
--Biggest news in August was that my whole announcing gig with Drum Corps International at the Division II/III semi, finals, and Grand Finals was an overwhelming if not ultimately HOT experience. I think I did exactly what I set out to do, and that's be the absolute BEST at what I do in the announcing world. Apparently DCI noticed, as I was approached a few times by PTM's (people that matter) saying "Get ready to travel next summer", hinting that I would be seeing more involvement with DCI maybe on a national level. Mission accomplished.
--Second biggest news, but only second by a smidge, was the announcing job I got to do for the Kingsmen Alumni Corps performance on Friday night at the Rose Bowl. That was an incredible experience. For those of you that have no idea what drum corps is and what it means in my life, suffice it to say that I was standing on the field exactly 20 years after I had "aged out" in 1987 with my last drum corps performance being at Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, Wisconsin. Here I was, back on the field, filling another role, and literally standing next to the "Voice of DCI" Brandt Crocker as I announced on to the field The Kingsmen. And when I figure out how to do it, I'll get a clip of the sound here on the blog so you can hear what The H sounds like booming over the speaker system at the Rose Bowl. I think I gave God Himself a run for the money. Mission accomplished with a minor taint of sadness--Two, I wish my mom was there. But I had the next best thing there which was my mother-in-law, who adopted me back in 1994 right after my mom died. And secondly, I wish my dad was there. Unfortunately, my dad's health is not too good these days, so getting him to the Rose Bowl in that heat that day to hear me announce would have been too much. Sad...but...that's what happens when parents get old.
--While DCI was a significant investment of time, the other significant investment was my show design business. Probably not a good idea to admit this on my blog read by millions, but it was a case of priorities and trying my best to make things work. I seemed to constantly be behind with drill this year, but in August, I really worked my ass off to make my dreams work. Mission accomplished but not without some fatalities along the way!! LOL!!! Note to self: Try not to work with band directors that change their music after you already wrote them an opener. Yeah. Nice idea.....NOT!
In September:
--Came home one day from work. My wife says, "I've got something for you to see." Thinking she was going to hand me the keys to my new Ford F-250 with a 6.0L diesel engine, I gleefully followed her to...the bathroom. Hmmmm...strange. Well, I'll take my keys anywhere thank you. She points to a cylindrical object on the sink counter, plastic, sort of like a thermometer but with a space on the end that had a symbol in it. What are you showing me woman? A clue to where my keys will be??? What's this?? What's the meaning of this blue cross symbol? "I'm due in March." HANH!?!?!?!? Due what? Library book? What????
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....THAT DUE?!?!?!?! Yeah.
Premiers in March, 2008.
It better be a girl.
--Auditioned--wait wait wait...INTERVIEWED for the Senior Fire Communications Supervisor position here at the Orange County Fire Authority. Not nearly as traumatic and full of drama as the last promotional exam and testing process from 5 years ago, but it was there a little. Lots of good candidates. I then find out I got the position...and that a person that I got hired with back in 1994, Jenny Cradle, got promoted as well into my old position. Pretty cool. Although my plate of responsibility and headaches just turned into a freakin' buffet line at the Mandalay Bay--which incidentally, is GREAT!!!
--Started dealing with inevitable horrible pregnancy complications that affect Nyleen. She's very sick. But at least she's not being hospitalized like the last 2 kids. Will have to keep an eye on her.
--In the thick of drill design with my 9 client bands, battling in particular with one client which hasn't been any fun at all. Unfortunate communication issues dog us. Hopefully we'll figure things out.
And here in October...
--Plugging away...just plugging away.
That's about it from me for now--more to come when I'm more conscious and able to actually remember things. Seeing as though it's now 3:43 am as I type this, I'm lucky I can even remember my own name.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Has the dust settled???
Busy to say the least. Frustrated. Happy. Sad. Elated. Concerned. Anxious. Nervous to the point of stomach issues. Oh man....where do I start?
Two of the most important things right now that are over and done with that I was able to proudly say to myself "GOOD JOB!!!" if no one else would be able to: The announcing gig at the Rose Bowl, and my promotional interview and presentation at the Fire Department. I will expand further on both at a later time, but suffice it to say, those were two of the most challenging things on my mind these past several weeks. Both were opportunities that would/will open doors (OR CLOSE THEM) to the future, and I don't think I've ever been as "wound up" about this stuff before in my life...except back to the time I was getting ready to audition for drum major for my high school band in 1982 and had anxiety related diarrhea for 2 weeks PRIOR. Yeah. THAT was fun. Anyway...there's a lot of emotional and strange "baggage" involved with the Rose Bowl gig that I'll expand upon later.
The other biggee--the promotional--well, it's been on my mind obviously. Outside of the weighing in my mind if I wanted to actually follow through with the interview, I was going up against some heavy competition. There were going to be 7 of us, all of my competitors bringing something to the table. Then, strangely, not without at least some lovely DRAMA, 4 of the competitors pulled out, citing various reasons. I was pretty disappointed with one of the people that pulled out as I could have definitely worked for that person had that person beat me. And that person probably WOULD have. Because that person is very talented and needs a swift kick in the ass to remind THIS PERSON. Suffice it to say, that left the field to just three. Me, my comrade in arms and fellow blogging giant Jon Dumitru, and someone that was hired the same time I was back in 1994 Jenny Cradle. I couldn't afford to worry about those two leading into the interview and presentation, it was only AFTERWARDS that my self-esteem plummetted. LOL!!! I think all three of us uniquely qualify for the office. We all have strengths that could be utilized nicely. Our weaknesses are nothing out of the ordinary, certainly nothing worse than some of the qualities of people that hold FAR loftier positions than what I'm striving for. So...what this is going to come down to is not how many years we've been here, or how quickly I can pull a technical tidbit of knowledge out of my butt, or how I well I'll be able to supervise a whole CENTER full of people versus just a shift....rather, it will come down, inevitably, to the person that is going to fit the position the best. The person that will be able to learn, be taught, be able to use what is taught in some meaningful way, who believes in the organization, and will be able to motivate others. Am I the best for the job? I am one of the best, that's for sure. But I certainly don't DESERVE it. I have to EARN it. And if I DON'T earn it, than it's worth...
That's my update--when I get a chance, I'll get back here and rap with you all abouts some cool experiences over the last few weeks.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Yesterday, while I was at Pasadena City College announcing the Division II/III World Championship Prelims, I received official word that Drum Corps International gave the nod of approval for me to announce on Friday night at the Rose Bowl for the Kingsmen Alumni Corps!! I was ESTATIC when I got that phone call. I CAN'T WAIT. There's a bunch of campy sappy emotional stuff tied up with this that I won't waste you're valuable reading time on--but suffice it to say, 20 years after aging out performing my last drum corps show at Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, Wisconsin in 1987, here I am announcing for DCI, AND I get to go to the "Big Show" and announce for a historic event. There's a bunch of FULL CIRCLE weirdness that surrounds this as well--again, I won't waste your time now with it. But maybe I'll explain it later.
Bottom line--I had a goal, and I made it. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Now...about yesterday...I announced at PCC and had a great time. Lots of fun! I think that it was one of my best times ever announcing. I was pretty nervous as I felt in some ways that my job I did yesterday was all about "first impressions" with a bunch of people from all over the country that have no clue who I am. So, I wanted to make sure they knew their announcer was at the very least COMPETENT (side note: I've heard some HORROR stories over the years of drum corps show announcers across the country doing absolutely HORRIBLE horrible in fact that I'm surprised that DCI doesn't hire a "staff announcer" to tour all summer...but that's another story). Needless to say, I had a great time yesterday. Lots of fun.
Strange event of the day--and it's about this stupid blog. HOW MANY PEOPLE READ THIS!?!?! I actually wish I knew. I wonder if there is a way to get a counter or something to tell me how many people read this. In any case, I'm standing there, minding my own business on the track, waiting I believe for the final 6 corps chunk to get started. And a very nice man in the audience says to me, "So...what's your big announcement?" Unfortunately, I had no idea who this man was, but I knew exactly what he was talking about. Here's someone at a corps show at PCC asking ME about my FREAKIN' BLOG!?!?! LOL!!!!! I sort of stammered for a second, thinking to myself, "Uhhhhh...jeez...whoisthiswhoisthiswhoisthiswhoisthis..." but I very politely talked to him for a few minutes. Apparently this guy is going to the Kingsmen Exhibition tonight at Veteran's stadium--so maybe he'll come up to me and say "Read your big announcement!" LOL!!! And this time I'll say "And you are???" LOL!!!
Anyway...on to writing drill and getting some stuff handled today. Thanks for reading this blog. I don't know WHAT drives some of you to read this blog...but so be it.
NOW GET OUTTA HERE!!! (...and have a nice day...)
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Off I go...into the wild blue yonder...
But truth be told. I learned a lot this past season, deciding, stupidly, to attempt to lay claim to the title of "If THEY/HE can do it, SO CAN I!!!" I wrote for three corps. Not entirely the smartest thing to do ever. But I certainly learned a lot--and I also learned A LOT ABOUT PEOPLE. Especially people I thought I knew. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah...realizing that I'm not perfect keeps me from opening a big can of WHOOP ASS on my own blog and laying into certain folks. Suffice it to say--this "learning experience" pushed me a little into a corner. Unfortunately, I came out swinging, and I'm still a little, how should I say, "hair triggered". I'll just leave it at that.
And one more thing.
I'll NEVER do that again. And since so many people read this blog, the person that I most wanted to tap on the shoulder so to speak and say "See??? You're not the only one that can do this?" probably doesn't even know I exist, and is experiencing GREAT success this season anyway. Call it a rivalry, call it a tad bit of jealousy, call it whatever. I did it. And now I'm done. I did what I did for the WRONG reasons. And just as a "mentor" told me--if you're not writing drill for the LOVE of writing drill, than please, stop writing drill. Well--I'm not ready to jump off THAT cliff--YET--but yeah. There you go. Age 41. Still figuring my crap out.'s like 6:30 am and I'm typing on my stupid blog. WHY? Well, I had a bout of gastrointestinal difficulties about 2o minutes ago, and now, I'm in that hell between not sure if I want to go back to bed, or get up and write drill. YEAH. For the 8 bands I'm writing for.
Geeeeeeeeeeeesh. I'm sadomasochistic. That's it. I dig being punished. That's why I'm doing it. But actually...truth be directors are FAR EASIER TO WORK WITH, I'll give them THAT much.
Well people, I'm outta here. Getting on the road, heading to Bakersfield for announcing duties for DCI. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yeah. That REMINDS ME. That little 48 hr window for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. I totally forgot. Sorry. Didn't mean to leave ya hanging. my information has it...the decision maker, a certain CEO of a certain international drum corps association is the deciding factor right now. And hopefully, I'll be hearing from him.
Then...the announcement will be made. Oh's a rundown of my week...
TODAY--Saturday: Get on the road to Bakersfield, check in to hotel, get dressed, and on to Bakersfield City College for announcing duties.
SUNDAY--Wake up. Stare at ceiling. Stare at TV. Wait. Wait. Wait some more. Than get dressed, go to Bakersfield City College for PART II of announcing duties. Decide after show if I take DCI up on offer to stay one additional night, or do I go home. Leaning towards home. Gots drill to write.
MONDAY--DRILL DAY AT HOME. Don't call. Don't write. Don't knock on my door, unless you're a methamphetamine dealer. Then we'll talk.
TUESDAY--Division II/III Quarterfinals, Pasadena City College--11am until it ends. Me...a microphone...and history is made. I debut as the "Official Announcer for the Division II/III DCI World Championships". But first...I stop by a hotel in Monrovia for a special secret rendevous with a certain ticket broker. Hmmmm...why????
WEDNESDAY--DRILL DAY. Same instructions apply as above. Except I'm driving to Long Beach Veteran's Memorial Stadium for a special Kingsmen Alumni Corps Exhibition, featuring Impulse, Pioneer, the Nicholson Pipe Band, and someone else....uhhhh...let's see....who is it...something about cadets...well, whatever...I'll be there....THE VOICE AT WORK AGAIN...
THURSDAY--DRILL DAY!!!! Talk not to me.
FRIDAY--the day of days. Div II/III semi finals at PCC, 11am until it ends...then, I swing over to the Rose Bowl, meet up with wife, mother in law (flying in from Seattle), brother in law (flying in from Missouri), sister in law (flying in from Utah), another sister in law (flying in from Orange), and we all descend upon the DCI Semi Finals competition. However, we'll be in the LUXURY SUITE #113. Yeah. That's what I did on Tuesday. Picked up my $800 worth of tickets!!!!!! Yeah. $800!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Out of MY pocket. Dang I'm nice. And...AND...the possibility of a major announcement concerning this night looms on the horizon. COME ON ACHESON. COME ON BABY!!! (crossing my fingers...)
SATURDAY--Division II/III GRAND CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! 10:30am...and then??? I'm not exactly sure. I may do a puppy dog act and BEG for a pass to Division I finals, but who knows. We'll see. If I don't go to finals, I'll just go back home, and WRITE DRILL!!!
SUNDAY--DRILL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MONDAY--back to work.
That's it gang. If there's a computer at my hotel in Bakersfield, I'll check in. If not--later next week. Thanks for reading.
Now get lost.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
That's all I can say. Well...actually...just so I don't cause a panic...I will say this. NO...I'm NOT replacing the KING OF ANNOUNCERS Brandt Crocker. So weird rumors, please.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Catching up a bit...
And yeah.
Someday I'll share with you the serendipity of how I got picked up by Orange County Fire Authority, and how that all played out. VERY interesting--because there's like simultaneous OTHER stories that go right along with it. Later though.

That would be me, the red and tan speck, holding the paper--that was my script. Cool?
Good. Once again...GET OUTTA HERE.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Hope you like the new look!
See ya...
Tribute to an old friend...

Thursday, June 21, 2007
WOW...another person checked in...
Great to hear from him.
AND...I just got some intel that a former GREAT friend of mine, Tom Corbin, THE LOUDEST TUBA PLAYER I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY FREAKIN' LIFE, is on my radar. Need to track that boy down. He used to come pick me up every morning to go to school in our senior year--him in his old beat up I think it was a Duster but I can't remember, and he always had some weird chick in the car that carpooled as well. Didn't say much. I think she was Goth--about 20 years prior to Goth being popular. Nice enough. Just...unsettling. I also was in my first traffic accident with Tom--he was pulling out of my driveway and car slammed into us. That was fun. Got a mild concussion out of that particular accident.
No wonder there's so much crap wrong with me!!! :-) Anyway...TC...I'm hunting you down brother. Oh....hold the door...another memory just hit me...I better watch the term "hunting down" with TC. I believe rumor had it that after high school he actually disappeared and became a real bounty hunter. Which I believe. 'Cuz TC was sort of a bad ass in high school. NICE. But bad ass. And I remember my mom really liked him. Weird.
OK...I really need to get back to work. I have a ton to do--until next time--thanks for reading and putting up with my friends!! :-)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 just get surprised
SPEAKING OF WHICH...I also heard after a two year silence from one of those "problems" (but I really do mean that very lovingly--time and maturity goes a long way to put the past into focus--and really, it was IIIIIIIIIII that was the problem)--Maria Cacciotti. Yeah--even got a couple of pics of her and her sister Paula who now lives in the Country of Northern Mexico--oooo, sorry, I meant, the Country of Texas. I actually like Texas a lot, but truthfully--it really is another country down there. Did some touring down there with VK--not sure I ever want to go back. BUT NO MATTER--we're not talking about Texas. Maria has a family of her own, doing well, and it was stupendous to hear from her again. Funny how life turns out. The way my life went and where I ended up--I'm pretty sure I'm where I'm supposed to be. But you know when you're young, and you think and dream. I remember distinctly having an aversion to dancing. And Maria would joke many, many moons ago that we'd end up getting married and she'd have to force me to dance at our reception. It was always good for a yuckyuck between us. Ended up marrying someone who--LIKE A FREAKIN' ECHO--said the exact same thing. AND ENDED UP FOLLOWING THROUGH WITH IT. She FORCED me, against my will, kicking and screaming, to dance to that love song from "Robin Hood", "Everything I Do...Blah Blah Blah, I Do It For Meatloaf". WHATEVER that song was. Yeah...we danced to that...and I had to freakin' dip her at the end and everyone sitting there at our reception--like 400 people rolled 800 sets of eyes at the CORNINESS of the moment. That is, until I stood up and gave my patented pissed off look, at which time we were the recepients of MASSIVE and THUNDEROUS ovations.
Yeah. Whatever Turner. But anyway--mucho coolio to hear from Maria. She had quite the impact on my life. I just wish she would have taught me how to take care of my hair better. I have probably the worst hair imaginable for our prom picture. I might as well had stuck my head in a Cuisinfrickenart blender and called it good. For the love of all that is I apologize to you Maria should you be reading this. You deserved someone with better hair.
She got him actually. His name...oh crap...I can't remember now...Glenn something. SEKINS? No no no...that's a captain for Orange County Fire. Glenn....Glennnnnnn...hmmm...I remember I hated him. Why can't I remember his name. Anyway...he had nice hair.
I really shouldn't have partied so much in college--I sort of drifted away there for a minute...
Oh yes...speaking of ovations...uhhhhhhhhh...we'll get back to that...I can't remember what the hell I wanted to say.
(insert Jeopardy music whilst I stare at my computer monitor)....
Well, if any of you want something to do, come on down to the Corps at Crest Drum and Bugle Corps show at Mt. Sac College in the fine city of Walnut, conveniently located just off the 57 freeway at Temple St. Featuring a lot of corps in competition, including TWO of which I wrote the drill for...Impulse (currently undefeated in Division III competition), and So Cal Dream, a "old people" corps. I'll of course be providing the in-between corps entertainment as the VOICE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Come on down...and sit with me in the press box for a spell...and then leave because I really don't like visitors. You make me want to talk and laugh and giggle and act stupid, and then I forget that I'm actually running a show.
So about those ovations--what the HELL was I going to say? It was funny. DANG IT!!! I hate my gray cells.
OK--that's it. I'm out. I have a million things to do and about enough time to do about 10 of them, so I need to be like a baby and head out.
GET IT!?!?
Head out?? Yeah? Be like a tree and leave.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Be like peanut butter........wait for it....AND JAM!!!
Wait...what did Biff say...."HEY, WHY DON'T YOU BE LIKE A TREE.....AND GET OUTTA HERE?!??" LOL!! Did you know that the guy that played Biff was a drum major for his high school band and played tuba? DID YOU?!?!?! Did you also know I went to a talent scout in 1984, and he told me I looked like I could be cast in a movie by a friend of his that would be about Vietnam, and then a couple of years later, "Platoon" was released? DID YOU???? Did you know my mom got to meet one of my idols--WILLIAM SHATNER--and shake his hand, and then didn't want to tell me because she knew I'd go ballistic? DID YOU???? She told me obviously. And then? I was calm. After the policeman told me to cool it. And the fire trucks drove away. And we promised to repay the neighbors for their house that I torched. BUT I WAS CALM.
OK...I really need to go. This stream of consciousness thing is really starting to freak me out...HEY GUYS!!! Thanks for reading. It really blows me away to know who the heck keeps checking up on me.
I should be worried.
Actually...I'm sort of creeped out by it.
Monday, June 18, 2007 - Part I - Part II - Part III
I went to lunch today to a new place called Padera Bakery (Pandera?). Whatever. It was so-so. But I went with the normal I.T. guys that I hang around with. Cool bunch of guys. Kind of an interesting cross between geekiness, anal retentiveness, and funny ass stories. So, I can sort of relate. Other than the anal retentiveness part. I'm just a slob.
But anyway, we had a new dude come eat with us today because, well, we're popular and people like to hang with us. And so all six of us are sitting at this table and it's your typical sandwich place--but brand new. They literally opened last week, so it's all nice and shiny and the employees are all perfect and "How can I help you?" and "May I serve the next guest in line?" are thrown around with abandon. So I'm sitting there at this table, munching on something called a Turkey Bacon Bravo...decent...not anything you can't get for a few bucks cheaper out of the vending machine, but whatever...and I'm listening to the ambient sounds that surround me. I can hear the nerds sitting behind me to the left yapping about "....well, we need to increase the rate at which we are able to continue with the procurement of the necessary developmental..." Oh SHUT UP. I heard the 3 yr old to my right scream at the top of her lungs "Mommy...Mommy...MOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYY!!!". But I didn't tell her to shut up because she's a kid. But I did throw a roll at the mom. And I heard old "Justin" 4 or 5 booths away, yelling into a cell phone, "It's Justin. No...Justin.'s JUSTIN. JUSTIN DUDE. Dude. JUSTIN." I'm going to kill you Justin if you say you're name again. Or maybe it was Jerrod. WTF.
So anyway...I'm sitting there, not really engaged in conversation, shoving the food with great glee into my gullet, chewing away, sort of scanning the room, randomly thinking about drill design, dispatchers, training, my car, terrorist attacks, illegal immigration...and I start hearing a voice that I recognize. And for an instant, I'm transfixed. From whence does this voice come? For whom does this voice belong? WTF IS HE SAYING?!?!? And I'm perplexed. For I have heard this voice before, and it was from my past, but I knew not how to identify the voice. It was striking a Bb Major Chord in my head, but it was slightly out of tune...if you get my metaphorical allergorical ancedotal syllogism. too...WTF?!?!?!
So...I scan my immediate surroundings, and find the voice to emanating from the piehole of the "new guy" that joined us for lunch. He was rattling on in some fashion or another about prospecting and gold dust and mining and permits and what not. And I'm thinking, "Dude--I have no life. You're worse. WTF does that make you?" But the VOICE. THE VOICE I SAY!! It was driving me mad. So since I had identified the owner of the voice, I then took another gigantic chunk of turkey-bacon goodness and shoved it into my mouth, began to mastigate, and closed my eyes. And that voice was still there. And then...
Like a lightning bolt, it hit me. My eyes shot open as my jaw came to a halt, unchewed bread and turkey parts lining my mouth, cheek and chin, and I realized who I was listening to...
...I was listening to Laskey, The Security Walleyworld.
JOHN CANDY, you simpletons. JOHN CANDY, one of the great comedic geniuses of our time. JOHN CANDY, that big lovable oaf who stuck his hand between the butt cheeks of Steve Martin in "Planes, Trains and Automobiles." JOHN CANDY, who played everybody's favorite whacky "Uncle Buck". That was it. I was listening to an exact replica of John Candy's voice.
And then I opened my eyes.
And the voice was emanating from a lanky 6ft 5 computer dude. But it was WEIRD!!! REALLY WEIRD.
Speaking of weird, I'm so tired I can barely stand up. So--I'm signing off now. Drum corps is in full swing by the way. Impulse and Capital Sound, two of the three corps I wrote for, are undefeated. COOL!! So far, so good.
Til next time...
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Hey there...
I have lots more to write--but be that as it may, I can't now. But I am alive and I'm doing ok.
Now go. Be off with you.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Another week...another step down the rabbit hole
Unless I can somehow pull a rabbit out of my ass, boiling point will be reached very soon. In any event, this particular family situation is "behind the scenes" and weighing on my mind quite a bit. Quite a bit. I know I'm not the only person with "problems" right now, but there's a part of me that feels because of who I am and how I come across to people, that I'm not "allowed" to have problems. I guess that's why I'm posting this. Oh yeah...I have problems. I tend to make other people laugh a lot to take the focus away from me...
Speaking of laughing. While I am having these issues, I had the opportunity to go to Ventura this past week for a two-day fire department-related conference. Some sort of...uhhh...strange things occurred...
--Found out, by accident, that one of the chiefs from my department marched in the very same drum and bugle corps that I did, albeit, about 10 years prior to me. That was VERY strange. We ended up knowing a lot of the same people, but I could tell he was not remembering a whole lot from "way back then". But it was WILD to be sitting there and sort of comparing notes with him. Reminded me of the time when I found out that our admin assistant in our command center also marched in the same corps back in the 70's. That would be the Velvet Knights. Small world. And I know there's a lot of you that read this blog that wouldn't know the significance of this if it came up and hit you over the head. Just trust me. It was a pretty cool moment for me.
--Because of my personal issues, I was more in "rare form" in Ventura than I have been in a long time (guess it helps me deal). It actually reminded me of the time about 5 or 6 years ago that I went to Vandenburg AFB with my friend Jon Dumitru for some fire department training. We both were invited to "hang" with the instructional staff at a dinner up in a nearby city. And uhhhh....well...let's just say, between me, Jon, and several Diet Cokes, we made quite the comedic impression. Jon and I played off of each other PERFECTLY, and damn near had people in hysterics in this restaurant. It really was very funny. Fast forward to this past was me solo. In a lounge. In the large lobby of the hotel. Let's just say I didn't make friends with Kern County Fire when I did a bit on their "dispatching by banjos". Apparently the dispatchers thought I was a riot. Their chief? Not so much. And Chief Dave Pierce. I think his pancreas was bruised. By Chris Funk's NOSE. GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWD!!! But it was funny. Never saw my own chief laugh so hard. Good times hanging with Chiefs Pierce, Concepion, Wells, Robinson, McIntosh...JoSAYYYYYYYYYYY Valbuena...holy cow...Funkalicious, my own boss DJP....ahhhhh yes. It'll be a historic night... or two.
--Here's another bit of weirdness. On Thursday morning, I woke up early. Couldn't sleep. Stress does that. Anyway, instead of going for the $11 breakfast buffet in the restaurant downstairs in the hotel, I just did what I do best. I went exploring. I love driving around and just looking at stuff. Found a McDonald's. COOL. Got myself a Sausage McMuffin. And a large Diet Coke. Life was good. But took a strange turn. As I returned to my parking space at the hotel to start another fun-filled and exciting examination of the California mutual aid system, I finished sucking out the last remnant of the dark brown liquid goodness that is Diet Coke. And I thought to myself, "Self, I think I shall take this cup of ice with me into the fun-filled conference so as to keep myself from actually slipping into a freakin' coma!" So...I pulled off the top of the cup, and lo and behold, what did I find? Right...what you'd expect to find at the bottom of your ice in a large cup from McDonalds. A $20 bill!!!! That's right. Imagine my amazement as I stood in the parking structure of the Crowne Plaza Resort in Ventura. Slack jawed. Staring into my cup. At first, I thought..."Oh my gosh. I'm going to die. I just drank contaminated Diet Coke swill." Then I thought, "I'm impervious to all poisons. I've been drinking the aspartame in Diet Coke for 10 years now. If I'm not dead, I won't die from any stupid poison." And then the 2nd thing I thought..."I'M RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And the good news didn't stop there. I fished out the 20 from below it's icy demise, flattened it out, and put it in my center console for drying. Looked back into the cup--per chance I was going to find a lottery ticket. Better!!! I found 37 cents. I'm not kidding. Needless to say...I threw the cup and ice away. And thought that MAYBE I need to be aware that I MAY start spontaneously vomiting in the next 2 to 6 hours. LOL!!! :-)
That's about it for now.
Oh wait. One more thing. My wife told me that her youngest brother, 17 year old Joseph, was going to his prom tonight. And I got a little melancholy about that. I mean, I was happy he was going and all. But 13 years ago when I first met him, he was 4. And he and I really got close. Cool to see him growing up. Not cool to know while he's growing up...I'm just growing OLDER.
Get outta here....
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Wow--this getting older crap is for the birds...
And now--with this new opportunity, should I go for it and then get it, is it going to be the same thing again? If it is, I truthfully would just rather NOT go for it and not partake in the blood bath. I think it's rather unnecessary to have resentments and hostility like I faced. It's a promotion. You get promoted partly on skill, partly on "job fit", partly on forecasting HOW you'd be in the position (trainable, open to suggestions, etc). So...I don't know. I'm sort of babbling--but that's on my plate now. Of course, The Warden is like "HECK YEAH YOU'RE GOING FOR IT!!!!" Great.
Another thing on my plate that I sort of never wanted to talk about in my blog is that underneath my "busy-ness" and relative successes I've been having, I'm dealing with a personal family issue that is really bumming me out. It deals with my dad and my oldest brother, and I won't bore you with the details. EVERY family I assume has their issues they have to handle behind closed doors. So I'll leave it there. But this is weighing heavily on my mind, so much so, that I....GASP!!!....actually spent time talking in depth with The Warden last night about. Did you know that politics figure into family relationships sometimes??????? LOL!!!! My goodness--we made some decisions last night not so much based on what was "right", but what would be smoothest and most expedient? Does that make sense without me going on and on about the specifics? Let me just say this...
One, wherever you are in your life right now--PREPARE FOR YOUR OLD AGE. THINK NOW!! Don't speculate. Get something going NOW that's conservative, and will grow and be there for you. Think about long-term care insurance as well and get it going NOW. Second...families are diverse as anything else in life, but the common bond SHOULD be love. And some people are certainly more difficult to love than others--boy do I know that concept. But try. Just try. It's damned difficult. Especially with those that challenge you on levels that are way way deep and way hurtful. TRY anyway. I'll leave it at that.
Sorry to be sort of a downer--there's REALLY a lot for me to be happy about. I got the DCI gig, openers are complete for So Cal Dream and Impulse, Capital Sound is coming along, developing new business for the fall, OCFA outside of the above concerns is actually going well, family is finally healthy, especially after me getting sick YET AGAIN with a fever and weakness ON MY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY...but yeah. All is well. And I even installed some shelves in our laundry room ALL BY MYSELF (for those that REALLY know me will understand the significance of this accomplishment--especially considering that plugging something in sometimes can be above me!!!).
Anyway--that's it from me--hi. Hope YOU are doing well and all that happy crap.